In which Jimmy grieves and loves

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English is not my native language!

Ship(s): Flower Husbands (Scott x Jimmy), Team Ranchers (Jimmy x Tango), Bad Boys (Joel x Jimmy x Grian)

Can be read as platonic, but it's meant to be romantic (in some way)

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was! Enjoy!


Jimmy is upset by the death of his beloved pet frog, but neither Scott nor his Bad Boys pay attention to that, too busy arguing. So, Jimmy leaves and runs into Tango, who offers to distract him. He makes it his personal mission to make Jimmy smile again.

Aka, Jimmy hangs out with team T.I.E.S. and later returns to his Bad Boys.


"You two are terrible!"

"Like you're a bloody saint!"

"I take better care of Jimmy than you ever could!"


Jimmy kept his gaze on the floor. The wheat on Bread Bridge easier on the eyes than the arguing people in front of him. Scott stood in front of the other two Bad Boys, hands on his hips, scowl on his pretty face. Grian looked unimpressed, Joel was aggravated.

"I can't believe you didn't help Jimmy with getting his frog back."

"I named the bloody thing!"

"Should've done a lot more than just name it."

Martyn stood behind Scott, in support of his teammate, but in no way invested in the argument. His eyes occasionally wandered over to the blonde who stood to the side. He had said his condolences when he had arrived, summoned by his Mean Gill.

"The fog isn't that important."

"Grian is right!"

"It was important to Jimmy! So, it should've been important to you as well!"

It was then, when Scott started to look absolutely feral, Jimmy decided to leave. He was no longer willing to listen to them talk about him as if he wasn't there. He said nothing as he left, only Martyn's eyes on him, watching him go. He couldn't help but think about the events leading up to the argument.

He had been so happy when BigB had offered him one of the frogs. Jimmy loved frogs! He liked any animal really, but in death games like these there weren't many pets around. So, to get a frog that he got to name, take care of and treasure was very welcoming. Like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Like a distraction in a game where they had to kill for time.

He had proudly showed it off to his fellow Bad Boy Joel, and together they name it Judge Judy & Executioner. Jimmy had built it a little hobbit hole home and spend as much time with it as he could. He brought it slime and talked to it. And then, BigB had confessed to him about not asking Pearl for permission to give Jimmy the frog. They wanted it back. Jimmy refused.

One thing led to another and Judge Judy & Executioner had gone missing. The Nosy Neighbours denied everything. Jimmy knew better. Scott knew better. Better yet, Scott knew where it was being held captive. Jimmy had been farming wheat when Scott came running, shouting at the blonde to follow him. One mention of Judge Judy & Executioner and the two of them rushed over to the nosy frog tower.

Jimmy's not so good, horrible day (that gets better)Where stories live. Discover now