Chapter 18 - What Would I Do Without You?

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Two months have passed now and it's almost Thanks Giving, from what Roman has told me it involves eating a ton of Turkey and taking part in mad online shopping the day afterwards. Whispers about the dead cheerleader have ceased almost completely and the school is buzzing with festive cheer. I sort through my locker as students bustle past me, anticipating the four day weekend.

"Hey, have you heard? It's going to snow over the weekend" I turn from my locker to see Jenny stood next to me, beaming happily. Nodding swiftly, I finish packing my books into my bag and quickly put my winter coat on. I grab my bag and slam my locker shut just as Iona runs up to us. Her brown hair is everywhere whilst she attempts to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask, staring at her in confusion and adjusting my bag strap on my shoulder.

"Roman... Needs... You" She pants heavily and my eyebrows furrow in confusion, nevertheless I nod swiftly in response.

"Where is he?" I ask, scanning the crowds of students for Roman's tall physique and coming up short.

"He's at the top of the staircase that leads to Science, talking to that gypsy werewolf kid" Iona replies, tidying her hair and regaining an even breathing pattern. I nod once again and hurriedly rush through the throng of students, dodging oncoming students every now and then.

Eventually, I manage to make it to the bottom of the staircase and run up the stairs quickly. I spot Roman sat on the banister as I make the last turn, and I slow my pace down to a walk. An unlit cigarette dangles out of Roman's lips and I approach him, somewhat nervously.

"You wanted me?" I ask, halting next to his feet that are placed on the glossy wooden rail. He removes the cigarette from his mouth and casually inserts it into one of the interior pockets of his blazer. Smoothly, he jumps off of the rail and straightens his clothing slightly, taking a step towards me. I stare up at him, assessing his features. His usual smile is nowhere to be seen and dark circles are embedded underneath his green eyes. "What's wrong?" I question whilst an overwhelming protective urge consumes my entirety. My heart aches whilst I gaze up at him.

"It's nothing. I missed you" Roman replies simply. His left hand lifting and gently stroking my hair out of my face. I let out a sigh of resignation before stepping closer to him and tentatively wrapping my arms around his stomach. His arms reciprocate as I rest my cheek on the material of his white shirt.

"I can tell something is up, but as you obviously don't want to talk about it right now we'll talk about it later. I hate seeing you like this, Roman" I speak, tightening my hold on his body. My fingers grip the fabric of his blazer, never wanting to let go.

"I don't want you to worry, Princess" He murmurs, slowly running his fingers through my long brown hair. I loosen my arms and step backwards minimally, stretching up on to my tip toes and resting my hands on his broad shoulders.

"I worry because I love you, Roman. So get used to it" I smile at him before lovingly pressing my lips to his. His arms immediately tighten their grip on my waist, holding my body flush against his. Our lips move against each other's steadily and passionately. I giggle helplessly into the kiss when Roman's left hand slides down from my waist and gently squeezes my rear.

"You guys are too cute" I hear a familiar voice speak and immediately pull away from Roman, turning towards the voice. Letha smiles at us warmly as she runs a hand through her blonde curls casually. My cheeks become heated almost immediately as I attempt to distance myself from Roman, however I am brought to a halt when his arm snakes around my waist and tugs my body into his side. Embarrassment is evident in my features, I drop my head when I notice Peter walking towards our little group. He glances awkwardly between Roman and I, before his brown eyes fall onto Letha.

"Hi, guys" He finally speaks, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking slightly on the balls of his feet.

"Hey" Roman greets him, quite enthusiastically. Raising my right hand, I wave shyly and smile slightly at the thought of Roman actually having a proper friend. "Do any of you want a lift home?" Roman asks offhandedly, shattering the tense silence with ease and his usual grace.

"Actually Peter and I are partners on a project together, so we were just gonna grab some books from the library and get the bus" Letha responds, biting her lip gently whilst gazing at Peter whom nods swiftly in response.

Roman's jaw visibly clenches and his fingers dig into my side as his grip on me tightens. He somehow manages to force himself to nod shortly. Anger exudes off of his body whilst we watch Peter and Letha descend the stairs, happily chatting as they do so.

"Roman?" I timidly call his name in an effort to gain a speck of his attention. He rapidly turns towards me, his features softening when his eyes roll over my face. His hand drops from my waist for a second, before he suddenly pushes me against the grey wall behind us. Roman's supple, silky lips claim mine in an instant and my arms are hurriedly pinned above my head.

Diligently, my lips move against his at an almost dizzying speed, causing a low moan to emanate from Roman's throat. My head spins as his tongue slithers through my already parted lips, steadily caressing my mouth in slow steady swipes. I stifle a moan when our tongues connect, tangling and untangling repeatedly. The kiss is urgent and full of need, lust consuming us both.

"Roman, we might get caught by a teacher" I whisper once his lips leave mine and steadily make their way down my jaw to the base of my neck. My words cause him to halt and pull away begrudgingly. A sigh escapes his lips as he runs his left hand through his brown locks. My arms drop to my sides when he releases them. "Come on, we're partners for that Science project too. It's best to start on it sooner rather than later" I take his hand in mine and timidly smile up at him, tilting my head in the direction of the stairs. He smiles warmly down at me and gently ruffles my hair with hid spare hand, muttering something under his breath that sounded similar to something along the lines of 'what would I do without you?'. We slowly descend the stairs hand in hand, smiling at each other.

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