Chapter 10 - It's Friday...

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A/N: This is in Cortelia's POV again. Hope you guys enjoy.

A loud yawn escapes my lips as the school bell rings. Finally, it's Friday. I pack up my stuff into my bag and someone taps me on the shoulder, causing my breathing to increase. Spinning around, my eyes set on one of my male classmates. I think his name is Jack or something. He has short, styled Brown hair and is wearing skinny jeans with a blue print shirt. Then I slowly turn back to my things and try to calm myself down.

"Hey, I'm Jake and I was wondering if you'd maybe like to hang out sometime?" He speaks, causing me to turn back around.

"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend" I reply. He let's out a sigh and his shoulders slump, before muttering something like 'Damn, Godfrey' under his breath. Quickly, he recovers and smiles at me.

"I meant just as friends, because I'm really not getting this Biology homework I have and I heard your in Advanced Biology. So can you help?" He smiles at me. His words sounding genuine enough.

"Maybe, I don't know when I have spare time" I shrug, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Okay, well what's your name? I'll add you on Facebook. Do you have Facebook?" He asks, pulling out a scrap piece of paper and a pen.

"Yes, and my name's Cortelia Windsor" I reply. Why wouldn't I have Facebook? Every teenager on the planet that has an internet connection does.

"Okay, see you soon" And he runs off to his group of friends on the other side of the class. I shake it off and leave the classroom only to walk straight into Roman, causing me to stumble backwards. His arms balance me, before his fingers intertwine with mine and we're off.

"Hi" I speak, but get no response. He continues to walk and I stumble along beside him. His jaw is set and anger radiates off of him. Wow, somebody woke up on the wrong side of his English desk this morning. I swear he always falls asleep in English. "Roman, are you okay?" Once again he ignores me as we walk out of the building. I nearly trip as he tugs me along.

Alright, that's enough.

When we get to his car he let's go of my hand and opens my door for me. I stand there and fold my arms. He tilts his head towards the car angrily and his eyes are alight with fury.

What is eating him?

"Get in the fucking car" He hisses and my eyes widen. I quickly scramble into the car and he slams the door shut. I drop my head and stare at my hands when I hear his door open and shut. "What was that?" He shouts, causing me to flinch away from him and a small whimper to escape my lips. He let's out a loud sigh and I feel his hands reach over. I pull away from him, closing my eyes. His hands continue and steadily click my seat belt into place.

When his hands pull away my eyes open and I risk a glance at him as he turns the key in the ignition. The engine purrs to life and he pulls out of the parking spot, before speeding off. Rain splatters onto the windscreen. This is when I notice that the roof is up once more.

I look at Roman again.

His hands grip the steering wheel tightly and his eyes stare straight ahead whilst we speed down the road. I continue to wonder what has got him so angry until we pull up outside my house.

Roman sighs and drops his head onto his steering wheel after he has pulled his keys out of the ignition. The car is silent. I sit there quietly watching him, wary to approach him at this moment in time.

"Roman?" I whisper and his head turns so that he is facing me. His eyes open and he blinks at me. "Are you okay?" I ask, timidly. He continues to stare at me, before sitting up.

"Who was that guy?" He asks. Oh, he's jealous. That explains a lot.

"Just a guy in my class who asked me to help him with homework" I shrug, tucking a hair behind my ear. My eyes not leaving Roman.

"Why did you give him your number?" He asks, once again. His voice cold and distant.

"I didn't. He asked for my name, so that he could add me on Facebook and I could help him over messages" I reply. He lets out another sigh. My hand absent-mindedly reaches up and strokes his cheek, gently. A smile spreads itself across his lips as I do so.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted. I must've terrified you and I won't be surprised if you don't want to see me again" He speaks, dismissively.

"It's okay. You didn't hurt me" I reply, continuing to caress his cheek. He shakes his head and closes his eyes, hanging his head low. With my spare hand I swiftly unbuckle my seat belt and climb over the gearshift. I sit on his lap and take his face in both of my hands, lifting it up so that he is facing me.

"Roman, look at me" I speak, sternly. His eyes open and gaze into mine. "I'm not going anywhere, understand?" I ask and he doesn't respond. He just stares at me, so using both of my hands I make him nod and impersonate his voice. "Yes, I understand" This causes him to laugh loudly and his eyes sparkle happily.

Suddenly, I hear a tap on the window and turn to see Theodore stood there, smiling at me. I stick my tongue out at him and he feigns injury. Roman laughs, quite loudly. I stretch across to grab my bag from my seat and open Roman's door right into Theo's face. He falls back just as I step out of the car.

"Hello, dear brother" I smile at him and help him up, dusting my hands on my jeans afterwards.

"You might not want to go into the house, at the moment" Theo speaks and I tilt my head in confusion, furrowing ny eyebrows. "Tim's here" He replies. His voice monotone. My eyes widen, as Roman steps out of his car and locks it.

"It's your house. You shouldn't have to be scared" Roman whispers in my ear, taking my hand in his. I nod, walk up the front steps and push the front door open.

"Honey, I'm home" I shout, causing Roman to laugh slightly. Mum walks into the foyer, flustered.

"Darling, could you go pick up Victoria from school please and take her somewhere? Anywhere, but here" She asks and I reply with a nod, before turning around to leave with Roman.

"Cori, how nice to see you" I grind my teeth when I hear Tim speak from the top of the stairs. "I see your boyfriend's here, slut" My grip on Roman's hand tightens.

"You dare call my daughter a slut" Mum shouts.

"Shut up! You haven't told her then, Cori?" He continues. I can hear his feet pacing behind me. "You haven't told her about what you did" Tim hisses.

"I did nothing" I reply, tears brimming over the tops of my eyelashes.

"Oh, don't act all innocent. We know you're not a virgin. Don't you think your 'boyfriend' deserves to know" Tim sneers, still pacing. My mother gasps at his words.

"You r-raped me" I reply. My voice cracking and the tears finally spill over. It's true. Tim raped me when I was 14 years old. One day when he was on work leave I brought a boy home from school to revise for a test and Tim automatically assumed that I was dating him, so when the guy had left and my mother was out with the other two he came up to my room and raped me.

It was horrible.

I never told anyone for fear of him beating me again and it's also the reason why I have a fear of touch.

Both mum and Roman gasp in unison. Roman releases my hand and takes several steps, until he is stood facing Tim. Then his right fist suddenly raises up and connects with Tim's jaw, causing Tim to fall backwards onto the floor where he lie currently.

"You should call the cops on this bastard whilst we go pick up Victoria" Roman speaks to my mother before turning around, taking my hand, and leading me out of the house. I am stunned into silence until we reach Victoria's school.

She comes running out with a big smile on her face and her plaits bouncing, so I smile back at her and give her a big hug.

"Guess where we're going" I tell her, still smiling at her. My little sister always makes me extremely happy. She just makes everyone happy by being with her.

"Where?" She asks. Her eyes glistening with excitement.

"Subway!" I announce and she immediately hugs me again. This Friday is going to be intriguing.

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