Chapter 11 - Dangerous

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A/N: So here it is. Sorry that it took so long, I was hella busy with school and exams, but now its the half term holiday, so expect more updates coming your way. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and Comment :)

Slowly shutting the door, I let out a sigh. I just put my little sister to bed, as we're currently staying at Olivia's because of the Tim situation. I sleepily walk down the corridor to Roman's room and push the door open. Roman is sat on his bed, thinking deeply. But his attention falls on me as soon as he hears the door open.

"Roman, where am I sleeping?" I ask, yawning widely and stretching my arms out.

"In here, of course. Where I can look after you" He replies, standing up and strolling towards me. His arms encase me and I lean into his body. Exhaustion overtaking my entirety.

"What am I going to wear to sleep in?" I question, tiredly.

"I'll give you some of my clothes. Here" He responds, handing me a t-shirt and pair of shorts. "You can get changed in the en suite" He adds, directing me towards the door.

"Thanks Roman, for everything" I speak, just as I reach the door. His face lights up and is overtaken by a huge smile.

"Well, what kind of boyfriend would I be, if I couldn't help my girlfriend in her time of need" He smiles at me and my breath catches in my lungs. My heart melts at his words and I drag myself into the bathroom, quickly getting changed into the clothing that he has lent me.

When I emerge from the bathroom I find Roman laying casually with his hands behind his head on his bed, daydreaming.

In only his boxers!

I clear my throat abruptly and he sits up, directing his attention to me. I raise my eyebrows and give him a stern look, which he just shrugs off. He stands up and lazily walks over to me, placing one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. My hands rest on his bare chest.

"Wow!" I should let you wear my clothes more often" Roman winks at me, causing me to blush heavily and bite my bottom lip. I try to keep my eyes glued to his face, but it's kind of impossible when he is stood there practically naked in front of me. My eyes roam over the pallid skin of his well-toned torso and down to his hips where two lines run down into his boxers to from a 'v' shape. A light trail of dark hair also runs from his belly button down into his boxers in-between the two lines. Roman's hand tips my head up, so that I'm staring him in the eye. His eyebrows are raised and he winks at me once more.

Oh, hell no!

I close my eyes and slowly let out a sigh. When I reopen them I cast my gaze upon his face and shake my head, briskly.

"No, Roman. Not tonight. I'm not ready" I exhale, removing my hands from him and stepping away from him, ensuring to keep a metre or two away from him.

"I understand. Come on, let's sleep" He gestures to his bed, before walking over to it and climbing underneath the covers. It looks extremely comfortable.

"Okay" I yawn, loudly and I clamber under the quilt on the other side. "Goodnight" I breath, closing my eyelids as he switches the light off. Then I feel his arm land over my waist and pull me backwards into him. "What are you doing?" I whisper, affronted and shocked. He chuckles as he snuggles his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm cuddling you, duh!" Roman replies, starkly. His legs entwining with mine. My heart accelerates rapidly when he does this and so does my breathing. Nervously, my hand reaches for his hand that is on my waist and I weave my fingers in-between his. A smile spreading on my lips. My eyes still shut firmly tight.

"I love you, Roman" I susurrate, squeezing his hand gently. An unhurried exhale escapes his lips and glides over my skin, sending tender tingles through my body.

"I love you too" He murmurs into my ear, whilst I gradually fall into a soundless sleep.


Sighing loudly, I leisurely open my eyes to find that I'm not in my own bedroom. I rapidly sit up and somebody groans, causing me to cast my gaze downwards. Roman is clinging onto me like a koala bear does to a tree. His arms are wrapped around my waist and both of his legs are also wrapped around both of my legs. A small smile spreads across my lips when I notice that he is using my stomach as a pillow.

So I carefully lay back down and make myself comfortable once more. Immediately his limbs tighten around me and a scared whimper escapes his lips. My eyes widen when he begins to squirm and several screams come out of his mouth.

Is Roman having a nightmare?

I remain still from shock as his nails dig into my sides and his feet flail around, ferociously. Quickly, I somehow manage to lug his heavy body up so that his head is next to mine and I wrap my arms around him, placing a soft kiss on the bridge of his nose. I tuck my face into his neck and kiss it gently, causing him to still instantaneously. I look up at his face and his eyes are wide open.

"Roman, are you okay?" I ask, hesitantly stroking his cheek. He blinks a couple of times and smiles down at me, tightening his grip on me.

"I'm okay now" He responds, nuzzling his face into my hair. "As long as you're okay I'm okay" He assures me, carefully stroking my hair out of my eyes. I sit up, blushing.

"Time to get up then" I speak, before trying to stand up, but his arms pull me backwards swiftly. Roman laughs, as I dive face first into the pillows. I rotate my head, so that I'm facing him and glare at him.

"Bitch" I mutter, smirking when he feigns injury. He leans back and clasps his hand to his heart, dramatically.

"I can't believe you would say that to m-" At that point he tumbles backwards off the bed and onto floor, rolling spectacularly. I can't help it. I laugh hysterically, as he sits up and glances at me pointedly. He slowly stands up and brushes his hands on his legs with me still chortling away, crazily. I fall onto my back and clutch my stomach, wiping a tear away from my eye.

"It's not that funny" Roman speaks, sternly. His eyes staring at me angrily.

"Oh, but it is" I reply between giggling and rolling around.

Suddenly, Roman is on top of me and his hands are holding my arms above me. My eyes widen when I see that his eyes are alight with fury and his jaw is set in a grim line. I go to shout at him, but his hand immediately covers my mouth.

"Ssh... It's funny, remember?" Roman speaks and I don't even recognize his voice. It's dark, twisted and creepy as fuck, panic courses through my veins. This isn't Roman. I squirm underneath him in an attempt to remove him from me, eventually my knee makes contact with his crotch and he rolls off of me, groaning in pain.

I hurriedly scramble off of his bed and run out of the room into the hallway, bumping into someone as I do. Looking up, I notice that the person I've walked into is Shelley. I smile up at her.

"What's wrong?" She types, concern written all over her face.

"Nothing, I just really need to go to the loo" I reply and she nods, allowing me to quickly run to the bathroom. Swiftly, I shut the door behind me and lock the door.

What the fuck just happened?

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