Chapter 19 - Rain Drops and Tear Drops

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A/N: I'm so sorry, please don't hate me.

When we finally reach the Library, I spot Letha and Peter stood by the Librarian's desk, giggling about something. Roman also notices this and his grip tightens on my hand, almost crushing my fingers. Ever since Roman had found out about Letha being impregnated by a supposed angel (he thinks that some díckhead drugged her and raped her) he has been extremely protective of his younger cousin, almost as much as he is with me sometimes. I guess that he just doesn't want another creep taking advantage of her, but he's got to give the girl a break from time to time. And Peter Rumancek is harmless like a puppy.

"Hey, guys" Letha smiles at us, shuffling away from Peter slightly. I smile kindly and wave in response, glancing up at Roman to gauge his reaction to the current situation.

"Hi" He responds curtly, running his hand through his hair casually however his jaw remains tense and his hold on my hand does not decrease in the slightest.

"That's the books sorted. We should go or we'll miss the bus, Letha" Peter speaks with a stack of books in his leather clad arms, only acknowledging mine and Roman's presence at this moment. Letha glances at Peter and smiles with a slight blush on her cheeks, sighing softly. His cheeks become heavily flushed too and he nods in Roman's direction. I smirk as I realise that these two are absolutely smitten with each other.

"I'll see you tomorrow, cousin. Have a nice Thanks Giving, Cortelia" She bids us farewell, before dragging Peter out of the library doors. I continue to grin, whilst Roman and I gather various books on Osmosis from the dusty shelves. Roman looks over his shoulder occasionally, snickering quietly. At first I find it quite endearing but eventually I confront him about it.

"What's so funny?" I question, trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible for fear of getting kicked out of the library.

"You're smiling like an idiot, and it's adorable" He replies, stifling a giggle and leaning against a shelf. I sigh loudly, shaking my head in disbelief and continuing to scan the shelves. "What are you smiling about?" Roman asks when I place two books on top of the pile that is currently in his arms.

"Girl stuff" I tap my nose, chuckling softly. Roman pouts heavily and tilts his head like a puppy in a bid to understand. I bite my lip to refrain from laughing at how adorable he looks right now. "Okay... I think Letha likes Peter and vice versa." I eventually give in with a tremendous exhale of air at the end of the sentence, turning to Roman as I place the last book in his arms. His face is pale and his brow is furrowed, anger rolling off of his body like steam.

Tentatively, I reach up and brush my fingers on his cheek. "I don't know anything though, it's just a theory" I add, staring up at him and hoping for a response. Anything. He blinks rapidly before looking down at me with a sense of vacancy in his eyes.

"I just realised I have something to do. Is it okay if I drop you off at yours and we start the project on Friday?" He asks. I nod swiftly and follow him to the Librarian's desk at the front of the library. I glance out of the window as he checks out the books. The rain falls heavily outside, beating against the glass relentlessly.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Later that night I am sat on my bed wrapped in a blanket as the storm rages on outside. I haven't been able to sleep due to the horrendous storm and an overwhelming sense of foreboding that has taken over me ever since Roman drove me home earlier. I can tell that something bad is going to happen, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Suddenly, a flash of light illuminates my room for a short second, causing my body to tremble uncontrollably. I'm a complete pansy when it comes to thunder storms. They terrify me and I wish that Roman was here. He always knows what to say, and if I'm honest I just want to be in his arms. They're the only solace that I need at the moment. I jolt in fear as a loud rumble of thunder roars through my silent room.

It probably doesn't help that I'm sat in complete darkness, but the power had gone out a while ago and I can't be bothered to venture through the dark, echoey corridors to find the candles. I somehow feel safer like this in my cocoon of blankets.

I sit like that for several hours until my phone ringing abruptly interrupts my silence, casting my gaze to the brightly illuminated screen. My breath catches in my throat at the name on the screen. It's Olivia. Why would she be calling at this hour? I ask myself as I glance at the time. It's 12:35am. Shakily, I pick up the phone and whisper a feeble "Hello".

"Hello, Cortelia darling. I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour, but do you know where Roman is?" She asks, sounding quite worried. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. He could be fine. He could be completely safe.

"No" I reply, struggling to hold myself together. "Why? W-what's wrong?" I stutter, as the feeling in the pit of my stomach intensifies until I feel like I'm almost going to throw up.

"His car was found. Crashed into a tree, but we can't find him" She responds. Her voice cracking slightly on the last few words. My heart stops when her words flow through my ears. Tears threaten to spill over my eyelashes and I can't hold myself together for much longer, so I manage to find a way of politely hanging up after asking her to notify me the moment they find him. As soon as the call ends, I fall into my pillows, sobbing into the fabric of my blanket. Trembling, my hands search blindly for the shirt that he left here a while ago, clutching it to my body as I internally fight with myself.

There's a possibility that he's fine, stop being so irrational, woman up. But what is the likelihood that he walked away from that car crash unharmed? Well, obviously he did otherwise they would've found him, so shut up. You shut up, I love him so let me cry.

It continues like this, until I eventually cry myself to sleep after the storm somewhat calms down. And my world has been turned upside-down once again because of Roman Godfrey.

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