Chapter 7 - Interesting

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Two weeks have passed since Roman bit me and the bruise has only just faded. Today is the first day of school and to say that I'm nervous is putting it very mildly. I'll stick out like a sore thumb, because of my.accent and it'll be a completely different scenario than my old school. Firstly, there's no uniform and I really want to make a good first impression.

I let out a long sigh as I stare at my reflection in my bedroom mirror. My long brown hair is tied to the side  and slung over my right shoulder in a fishtail braid and my face is clear of make up aside from a little mascara, lip gloss and some foundation that I borrowed from my mum to cover the bruise on my neck. I drop my gaze to my feet, staring down at my black converse high tops.

Absentmindedly, my fingers begin to pull at the fabric of my favourite blue skater skirt and white camisole that I paired with Roman's grey cardigan that he still hasn't asked to have back. I swiftly roll up the sleeves, allowing all of my bracelets and wristbands to be on full display. I continue to stare at my reflection until a sudden beep of a car horn pulls me out of my reverie.

Running to my window, I open the curtains and stare down at the drive way. Roman stands proudly, leaning against a red convertible. I bite my lip as I continue to gaze down at him. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a tight, white t-shirt and a fitted black blazer with black sun glasses. When he beeps the horn again, I quickly rush around my room and grab my Black Butler messenger bag.

I hurriedly run down the stairs and come to a halt in the foyer. My mother is stood talking to Roman.

"Good morning, Mum" I wave at her and she smiles at me, approvingly.

"Have a good day at school" She replies, before walking off into the kitchen. I stand awkwardly with Roman in the foyer. It's awkward because I hadn't let him touch me since he bit me and he responded with not coming over at all or speaking to me. This is the first time I've seen him in a whole week.

"Hi" I smile, blushing slightly.

"Hey" He reciprocates my smile and walks steadily towards me.

"Remember our agreement. No heavy petting at school" I raise my eyebrow at him as he continues to walk towards me.

"You sound like a teacher" He speaks, laughing slightly. I give him a stern look and he sighs heavily, stopping in front of me. "Okay, but I need to kiss you now" He demands and then he crashes his lips onto mine. His arms wrap around me and I kiss him back, passionately. My hands gripping onto the lapels of his jacket.

Slowly, I pull away and he immediately tries to pull me back.

"Roman, we'll be late for school" I giggle when I see the pout on his face. He groans, pecks me lightly on the lips once more and grabs ahold of my hand, pulling me towards the door. "Bye Mum!" I shout as I shut the door behind Roman.

The drive to school is spent in silence and I'm slightly thankful for it. I look out at the passing trees as Roman speeds down the road. The morning sun shining brightly in the sky. Eventually, the silence gets to me and I decide to try and start up a conversation.

"So, your mum said you went to Pennsylmania with Letha yesterday" I speak, trying to sound casual and turn my head towards him. He shrugs. Not even glancing at me. "Brrrr, Roman. You make the Arctic look tropical" I laugh in an attempt to lighten the situation, but his jaw tightens and he ignores me. It stays like that until we arrive at the school.

When he parks up, he speedily gets out and runs around the front of the car. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt as he opens the door and I get out. Smoothing down my skirt, I step away from him, say a farewell and begin to walk towards the building. I walk up the front steps, noticing a guy staring at me oddly. He has quite long, dark brown hair and a beard. His clothes are quite shabby. He sets me on edge for some unknown reason and a shiver runs down my spine.

Shaking my head, I shove the doors open and quicken my pace towards the office, but a hand on my shoulder stops me. I spin around instantly and stumble back slightly. My eyes fall upon a girl that is at least three inches taller than me with long black hair and darkly tanned skin. She smiles at me widely.

"Hey. I'm Iona and I'm a friend of Roman's. He asked me to look out for you. You know as a female that goes this school" She continues to smile at me and I nod sheepishly. "Oh my God, I just realized he told me you had a fear of human contact. I'm so sorry" She apologizes, profusely. Her Brown eyes emanating sympathy from behind her black rimmed glasses.

"Its alright. I'm fine, but I really need to go get my timetable" I smile weakly back at her. She seems genuinely nice.

"Oh; let me come with you and I'll be able to see if you have any classes with me" She claps her hands together happily as I nod. Iona begins to walk towards the office and I follow. She spins back around to face me once more just as we reach the door. "By the way that cardigan suits you way better than it ever suited Roman" She says, offhandedly.

"How did you know it was his?" I ask, utterly shocked.

"Honey, I know these things" Iona replies and walks into the office - backwards. I laugh loudly when she walks into the school Secretary, who let's out a disgruntled huff before reprimanding her.

Once I have my timetable it turns out that I have nearly all of my lessons with Iona, apart from Advanced Trigonometry and Advanced Biology, and a couple with Roman too. I think this year is going to turn out to be very interesting.

Very interesting indeed.

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