Chapter 1 - Cookies

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The whole story is going to be in Cortelia's point of view... hope you enjoy :) 

Dragging my feet, I walk up the gravel path which leads to the ornate mansion before me. I can not believe that my mother made me take the cookies over to our new neighbours. I know we've just moved in, but why do we have to give them cookies and invite them to the barbecue. I really don't see the point. And more importantly, why do I have to be the messenger? When I reach the front door I tuck the tin of homemade cookies under my arm and knock three times with the ostentatious knocker that adorns the dark coloured wooden door.

The door opens to reveal a stunningly beautiful women that must be at least forty years old. She is wearing a sharp, white suit and her black hair flows just past her shoulders. Her face is flawless, with almost glowing green eyes, and I find myself thinking that I just wish my mum looked like this.

"Hello, I'm Cortelia Windsor and my family just moved in down the road" I smile at her and her eyebrows raise slightly. Her face remaining cold and expressionless.

"Nice to meet you Cortelia" She speaks, with a charming smile slowly making it's way across her lips. Her voice clear and aristocratic.

"My mum wanted me to bring round these chocolate chip cookies that we made, as you're our only neighbor" I gesture to the tin tucked under my arm. Her eyebrows raise again and I can tell what she's thinking. Only the British.

"Well, would you like to come in darling?" She smiles at me again. I nod curtly, she opens the door further and I enter.

I'm taken aback in awe, as I take in the foyer in front of me. It's truly beautiful. The wooden floor is perfectly polished and so are all of the wooden features of the room. There is a slowly spiralling staircase that stands elegantly at the back of the foyer, and the walls are ordained with elegantly printed wallpaper.

"Your house is beautiful" I speak in awe. She lightly laughs.

"I guess it is and I'm Olivia. Olivia Godfrey. Would you like to come into the kitchen?" She walks off through a door way and I follow.

The kitchen is your typical old-fashioned, manor style kitchen. Wooden cabinets, a wide stove, a nicely scrubbed breakfast table and a huge fridge. Everything is a dazzling white, and sparkly clean.... too clean, perhaps.

"Have a seat, darling. I'm just going to fetch my children so that they can meet you. They attend the local high school, and I can imagine that you wouldn't want to start high school without knowing anyone" She strides out of the room, gracefully. So... she has children? I pull out a chair and perch myself on it, placing the tin on the table.

I sit patiently until I hear three sets of feet coming this way. One pair of heels obviously Olivia, a pair of trainers and one set of heavy feet. Bracing myself, I wait for them to enter the room.

When the door opens I shift on my seat to face it and brush my long Brown hair out my face. Firstly, Olivia enters and sits down on a chair at the other end of the table. Then my eyes widen as a very tall, broad girl enters the room. She has bandages wrapped around her hands and wears a green dress with floral printed tights and black boots. Her face is mainly covered by her shoulder length black hair, but I can see one sapphire blue eye looking out from under her fringe. She waves at me and I wave back, smiling. She quickly sits next to her mother.

I look back at the door and my eyes widen again. A six foot tall male about my age stands there. He is wearing black trousers, some well worn Converse and a black vest. His vest shows off his well toned arms and shoulders. Looking up at his face, I note that his Brown hair is styled backwards and his plump, perfectly shaped lips are puckered perfectly, giving me the urge to kiss them. His beautiful green eyes appear to be masking some sort of secret sadness deep within them and there are small dark circles under both of them. He is imperfectly perfect, much like a flawed Adonis.

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