Chapter 9

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Niara Adams

I hear my alarm ringing. Uhh..I have to wake up. I groan and close my ears with my hands. "Niara! Wake up!" I hear a voice outside my room. Dad. I open my eyes and squint them due to the harsh sun rays. I grab my phone from the nightstand and take a look at it. It's 8:00 in the morning. "Okay, I'm awake dad" I shout. "Get down for breakfast in ten minutes sweetie" he says. "Okay, I will be down in ten" with that I get my lazy body off my bed and make my way towards the bathroom. I turn the faucet on and splash the cold water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror, stipulated in the opposite direction. I see the skin on my neck with a long red line.

I move my hands to it, tracing it with my thumb and hiss when pain erects from that area. With my eyes burning through the mirror on the mark, the events of last night flashes through my mind. I gulp and splash some water on the wound. I didn't expect this from you jihoo. If he wants anything from me, why didn't he ask me? I would have gladly gave him anything he wanted. Fuck! He just gave me another reason for not caring about his marriage with Francisca. I don't give a fuck about it now. I think it's all for my benefit. I take in a deep breath and let my body relax. I have something to do today.

I complete my work in 10 minutes and head downstairs. I see my father sitting on the head chair of the dining table and reading the newspaper. He always have this habit of reading newspapers, no matter where he is or whom he is with, he need his newspaper. I chuckle to myself and make way towards him. I take a seat  beside him "Good morning Mr Rowner Adams" I say. He laughs throwing his head back "Good morning to you too Ms Niara Adams". I chuckle and Gloria comes out of the kitchen.

"Good morning Gloria". I say smiling, she looks at me for a brief second with scrunched brows but she recollects herself returning the smile. She looks relieved that I am happy. "Good morning Niara" she says. "I made pancakes, how many do you want?"

"Four" I say. She nods and serves me four pancakes on the plate and hands me. I dig in silently. "How is Jihoo?" My father ask out of blue. I choke on my food. Gloria immediately picked a glass of water and passed it to me. I gulp it and take deep breaths. "You okay Niara?"

"Yes dad, I'm okay just choked on my food" He nods. "It seems he is taking over the business in a few days".
"Ohh" I say my voice barely audible.
"Don't tell me you guys got into a fight again" he says. Why does he guess everything.
"Dad I don't want to talk about it!" I exclaim. He shrugs "Seems like you got into a nasty one"

I ignore his statement and continue chewing on my food. "I have something to say to you Niara". "What is it dad?". He shifts uncomfortable in his seat.

"Niara...I want you to take over my business" my eyes widened. "Dad you know right?! I don't wanna be a part of this mess. I hate business." He sighs "I know dear but you are my only heir right"

"You can't do this to me" I say weakly. "Okay, how about this—marry someone". "Dad!" I shout feeling irritated. I'm just 21. I don't wanna get married yet. I see Gloria becoming still from the corner of my eyes. I frown—she is looking behind me. No! No! It shouldn't be the person I'm thinking. "Hello" I hear a joyful voice. I sigh. It is not jihoo but it is my rival cousin Carl. I hear footsteps coming closer. He takes a seat beside me. As always he is drenched in a wealthy grey suit, attached to his body in a perfect fit. His hair sleeked back with a heavy amount of gel, shoes polished neatly. I hate him since when I was younger, there is this one time where he bit me in a business event and I have to get a syringe. Uhh I hate him.

If he is going to get the company, No fucking way! I'm not allowing that to happen! "Hey Carl" my dad says. He loves Carl. I don't know what he likes in him. "I heard something about marriage and stuff, wait! Is Niara getting married?" He asks. I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. "No one is getting married" I scowl. With that I got up from my seat "I'm going bye dad" I say without sparing a glance at him. I think he knows that I'm not in the mood to argue, so he just nods.

I enter my room and make myself comfortable on the beanbag. I grab a book from the nearby shelf and started to read. I just want to clear my mind. I don't know what I'm going to do today.


I look at the time and it is almost 7. I pant heavily and get off the thread mill. I have been working out since past hour. I felt like I need some strength, if there is any fight. I need to be prepared for everything. But I strongly believe I don't die today. I still have some time left. The address he gave me was middle of nowhere. That shithead! Why did he even find the tracker. Okay I'm the one for blame here. I shouldn't have thrown it in. Whatever I need to get ready now. I sigh.

I hop into the shower. I turn the shower and cold water sprinkles on my body. I shudder under the icy water. In a few seconds my body relaxed and I started to get used to it. I let the water pour through my hair, making my heated brain a bit cooler. It feels nice. The water droplets hit the floor hard making sounds like it is raining inside. I lean back on the marble wall. A tear escapes my eye. What have I done to myself?! I crouch down crying. My head is hurting so bad because of the spontaneous thoughts running through my head. It feels like my brain may burst in any moment.


I lock the door and head towards the window. I peep out to see any signs of any living being. None. Good. I grab onto the pole outside my window and slowly move out. I grab onto the pole tightly as I move down adjusting myself. This is my first time sneaking out. I never snuck out before. It feels so weird. My heart is threatening to crawl out of my chest. The night was all dark filled with cold silent breeze of air. A cold night gives us ever more reason to draw closer to one another, to feel the natural warmth we are born to give. I remember how I used to cuddle with my mom during these chilly nights.

I look up the sky and see the sprinkled white glowing stars. "I know you are watching me mom" I whisper. With that I made my way towards the compound wall. It is around six feet and without any hesitation I jumped high catching the edge of the wall. I lift myself with the help of my hands. I make it onto the top and jump down to the ground. I avert my gaze around me if I'm watched by anyone. I sigh and make a run towards my car which I parked a few blocks away from the mansion.

I get into the car and start the engine. The engine roars coming to life. I shift the gear to driving mode. I press my leg on the accelerator. Here I come.


I stop the car as a big warehouse comes into my view. I don't wanna get my lambo any near of it.  The place is spelling dangerous in all the ways. I gulp down the lump in my throat. I look around, darkness and tall trees surrounded the area. I check the time on my wristwatch. 9:50pm. It okay to be before time. I shrug and open the door and get out. As I get out a gush of cold air swept through my face, making my face twitch. I immediately grab on to a mask laying in my car and put it. I close the door and take a deep breath before walking.

I make my way towards the warehouse, my boots cracking the dry leaves below my feet. I look around it and find no one. I frown and I near the metal door which allows me inside it.

"Your fast." I hear a voice behind. I finch at the sudden sound. I turn around to see him. He has that signature smirk on his face,uhhh I hate that smirk of his. I roll my eyes "tell me what it is" I demand. "Don't you ever roll your eyes at me little, you are going to regret it". I gulp at his intensity. "Why did you bring me here" I say gritting my teeth. He chuckles evidently. "I'll be testing you in....1,2,3 boom" he says. And I feel a hand grabbing my neck and pulling me back. I tense when all he does was smirk. I scream latching onto the hand which is holding my neck. I am being forcefully taken into the warehouse. The metal door closes as I glare at him. "Fuck you!"

To be continued
Thank you for reading 📖

Hello buddies I'm back. I'm late sorry. I was so stressed recently because of my studies. The college is tough. I feel like all I do is study. Uhh life is tough guys. But always remember that chan is always proud of us. No matter what he is proud of us.

You guys are doing great 👍🏻
Keep it up

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