64.❤️ Honeymoon Part Six - Underwater Room!❤️

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I would travel thousands of miles just to be with you.


Abandoned Construction Building..........

Rohit ascended the stairs and after taking some left and then right turns he reached the 3 floor of the building. As he reached there he saw a middle aged man standing facing back to him. He walked towards him and stopped a few steps away from him.

As the person felt someone's presence behind him, he turned back and rohit see that though the person in front of him is a middle aged man but he's still handsome. He's holding a briefcase in his hands.

" Your reward.. ", he said as he forwarded the briefcase to Rohit. Rohit looked at him first and then the black and silver briefcase with the excitement in his eyes.

He took the briefcase," thank you sir.. ", he said as he opened the briefcase and with the ' Click ' it opened. As the briefcase opened his eyes twinkled with greed. And then he hurriedly closed the briefcase with ' thump ' as if someone would snatch it.

The man's expressions were blank but there was a twinkle of cunningness in his eyes, " you know.. what you have to do next right!!? ", He asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

" Yes sir.. ", he said with gleeful smile on his face. He has done everything and now as it is ordered by this man he has to fly to Dubai. He also see a package of tickets in the briefcase. His luggage is also ready.

" Good....... "



NANDINI POV.....................

He took off his hand from My Eyes and I Froze Seeing The Room.. It's magnificent.. It's......

I Have no Words to express what I'm feeling Right Now!

The Room Is Beyond beautiful..

Every kind of Fishes Swimming behind the Glass Wall.. We Can See The Whole underwater Sea from here Inside..

Moreover, The Room Is decorated With balloons, Roses And Scented Candles which Are Enhancing the gorgeousness of the Room..

Moreover, The Room Is decorated With balloons, Roses And Scented Candles which Are Enhancing the gorgeousness of the Room

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