Chapter Fourteen.

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[⚠T/W: aggressive fighting scenes ahead]


And I don't wanna sit in all my sadness...

I know it's a habit of mine...

perfect, perfect timing...
I start what I don't know how to end...



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"I'M so glad they are still doing this...keep calm and carry on. Back to OBX life, you know?" Kiara smiled as she walked ahead of us all. JJ, Pope and I trailing behind her.

We find ourselves, on Figure Eight, where a public cinema night was being held in the park. Everyone was here. Kooks and pouges and all the in betweens; not that there are many. The place was crowded though. And JJ, Pope and I had reluctantly agreed to come when Kie started dragging all of us physically.

As we all know, I was high as a kite after my mental breakdown when the DCS took John B and I was hiding to save my freaking life, I had again missed my shift at The Wreck and had to make up another lie when Kiara asked me about it, because apparently she was covering her shift today and didn't see me come through, as I had promised her yesterday. JJ didn't say anything to her, knowing that Kie would explode on me for getting high, instead of working.

Anyways, so here we were, the last place we wanted to be.

"Aren't you guys glad I made you come?" Kie continues with a soft smile on her face, oblivious to the thoughts running in all of our minds. I'm sure neither JJ nor Pope wanted to be here.

"Ecstatic," Pope rolls his eyes as he and JJ place the chairs down in a small clearing we found to settle and watch the movie. 

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest," JJ commented, as he smirked at me. Later on, JJ and I had just hung out on the porch couch in his house, sharing the blunt and talking nonsense shit about some zodiac signs, if I remember correctly. 

It was the most relaxed and content I had felt in a long while. Just sitting there comfortably, in peaceful occasional silence while talking shit with your best friend.

I catch Kie rolling her eyes at JJ's words as she sat down the blanket and sheets to spread on the grass after putting her bag down.

"We're out of the green zone, guys," Pope whispers to JJ and I as I place down my chair between Kie's and JJ's. Kiara was still unaware of what was going on between us and the Kooks.

"Dude, tranquilo, okay?" JJ warns him.

"I'll go get a few drinks, guys," Kiara speaks as she walks away towards the drinks and snacks station in the back.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now