Slushies With The Girls!! 🖍️🍪

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*At Some Random Gas Station*

Aaron:Drinks slushy "This is actually good!"
Comet:"I know good slushy combinations!"
Darla:Smiles "I've never had a slushy, but I also I like it!"
Melanie:Nods, drinking slushy
???:"Hey, you girls want some candy?"
Darla:"What candy do you have??"
???:"All of them!"
Darla:Excited "Yay!"
???:"They're just in the trunk.. you're free to take as much as you'd like."
Aaron:Annoyed "Yea, no. We're good." Goes to grab Melanie's arm but she was gone "MELANIE!"
Melanie:Worried, in the trunk "Guys, there's no candy.. Just me. IM BEING ABDUCTED!!! THIS IS ILLEGAL!!! IM TELLING MY DAD!!" Crying
Aaron:"Heck yeah! My first BATTLE!!!" Throws an fire ball at ??? Into a gas pump
Comet:Throws clay at ??? "Get stuck, perv!"
???:Laughs "You don't think i can just get- ... The clay dried.."
Comet:"Sucks to suck, perv!"
???:Irritated "Stop calling me a perv!"
Darla:Grabs staff "Time for you to go! STAR BLAST!!" Shoots a bunch of stars at the gas pump, causing it to explode
Aaron:Teleports Melanie out of the trunk "You ok?"
Melanie:"Does traumatized count as ok?..."
Aaron:Shrugs "I don't know, it's around there."
Comet:Looking at ??? burning "Sick! We should take a picture!!"
Aaron:Smiles "Heck yeah!"
Aaron, Darla, Melanie, and Comet:Takes picture


Jay:Checks phone "Oh hey, I got a text from Aaron!"
Hoshi:"What's it say?"
Jay:Reading it ""Hey big sis, can you pick us up? We kinda sorta killed this perv trying to kill me and the girls and we don't feel like being in a interrogation room with the popo :) thx ly!! ^^" ..Uhhh..."
Hoshi:Concerned "That doesn't sound good..."
Jay:"Well, they're at the gas station so I guess we can get some slushies while we're there!"
Hoshi:Smiles "Yay!!"

[A/N]:If any of you ever get in this situation, just do what they did 💅✨✨/hj (Hoshi belongs to Florari_Is_Writin ⭐️)

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