New Powers AU ⚡️

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*At The Main Cast's House*

Jaden:Walks in Jayla's room "Hey, have you seen Jay??"
Jayla:Coloring with Aaron "Hm? Uh, no? Why?"
Janice:Pops head through door "We're supposed to go to the park. She better not have ditched us and went by herself..."
Jordan:"She probably went to go get the donuts."
Jaden:Looks at Jordan "What donuts??"
Jayla:"Oh yeah, she did say she was gonna get donuts before we went!"
Aaron:Rolls eyes "If she drops them on the way here again I'm gonna kill her."
Jayla:Concerned "..."
Aaron:"Why can't you idiots just text her?? She brought her phone with her, didn't she?"
Janice:Texting Jay
Jaden:"Did she text back?"
Janice:Looks confused "It didn't even go through.."
Jordan and Jayla:Worried
Jaden:".... We probably should look for her."
Jaden:"You're staying here."
Jaden:Annoyed "So you don't get yourself killed."
Aaron:"Hmp. Fine." Walks out the room to get a snack "Stupid big brothers telling me I can't come on cool missions..."
Jaden:".... Anyway. Let's go."


Jay:Freaked out "*Well, this is not how I expected this to go... What am I, like, 50 feet tall??- Well maybe not 50, but I'm definitely a LOT taller.*"

*Jay's P.O.V*
Guess that's what happens when you fight random void demons in the woods. Somehow while I was fighting it, I was able to go FULL void demon. I'm not sure how to use any of my usually powers, OR get out of the form.... Also I don't think I can talk in this form because when I do the only thing that comes out is either a really loud screech or growling, I wouldn't say I'm surprised because that's what void demons usually sound like anyway. How I was going to contact or even EXPLAIN this to the others, I didn't think about that yet. Just hoping they even know it's me if they DO somehow find me.

Jordan:Nervous "You sure Jay's out here?.."
Jayla:"Yeah. I can feel it. Twin sister vibes are just screaming in this place."
Janice:"If we die here, I want my last words to be "Book people are hotter than real people, and I'm not ashamed at all."."
Jaden:Weirded out:"That's just weird.."
Janice:Grins "Well excuse me, I don't see YOU with anyone either!"
Jaden:"Hey, I'm not with anyone because I don't want to."
Janice:"So basically "I have no rizz, and nobody likes me"?"
Jordan:"If it's not Jay and Jaden, it's Janice and Jaden.."
Jayla:Doing a 'T-T' face "Seriously..."
Jaden:Stops everyone ".... Void demon."
Jayla:Nervous "That's... that's a really large void demon...."
Janice:"Void demons that large are only in the void.. Maybe that one escaped somehow?"
Jordan:"I'd love it if we'd go the opposite direction and ignore the void demon.."
VD.Jay:Looks at them "*Crap.*"
Janice:"... It's got purple stars for pupils. That's.. unique."
Jaden:"Yeah, we still need to kill it though."
VD.Jay:Visibly terrified
Jayla:"Don't you think that's a bit much considering it hasn't attacked us yet?.."
Jaden:"Keyword "yet". You want to wait??"
Jayla:Nervous "No not really.."
VD.Jay:Throws stick at Jaden
Jaden:Irritated "What heck?!"
Janice:Laughs "At least it's got sense!"
Jaden:"It won't have any when I kill it."
VD.Jay:"*This idiot still doesn't get it...*" Thinking "*Maybe I can draw in the ground??*" Writing in the ground
Janice:"Oh wow, it knows English."
Jayla:Reading it "Jay." Looks at VD.Jay
VD.Jay:Points at self
Jordan:Surprised "Holy crap."
Jayla:"See I told you we shouldn't fight it."
Jaden:"Don't rub it in."
Janice:Tilts head "Why didn't you say anything??"
VD.Jay:Hesitates, but then tries to talk. It's a 2 second loud screech
Jayla:Painfully, covering ears "Yeah let's not do that again, especially not near me.."
Jordan:Also covering ears "I forgot you have better hearing."
Jayla:"I wouldn't call it BETTER but yeah..."
Jaden:"So what are we supposed to do about this?? I mean, I'm assuming you can't get out the form if you're still in it."
VD.Jay:Nods, kind of annoyed
Janice:"If we take you out of here I don't think anyone's going to be to happy about you just roaming around, they'd probably call the FBI or something-"
Jayla:"Your not hurt or anything right?"
VD.Jay:Shakes head no
Jordan:"We might be camping for tonight. Which actually kind of sounds fun!"
Janice:"Yeah, maybe we can go back to the house and get marshmallows!"
Jaden:Snickers "We might need more bags for Jay though."
VD.Jay:Throws another stick at Jaden with a 'Shut up.' look
Jaden:"Ow! Sorry, jeez.. I thought it was funny!"
Jay:Rolls eyes


[A/N]:Jay was NOT going to let Jaden slide 🤭🤭

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