💜 meets 🦋

9 0 15

*The Infinite White Space (TIWS, basically a infinite place where it's just white -.- that's it-)*

Jay:Confused, but then looks annoyed "Oh great. Why am I here now?"
Me:Teleports "Hello!"
Jay:Unamused "What now?" Thinks "Well, actually, I was fighting a bunch of void demons so hopefully this is better then that."
Me:Smiles "It is! We're doing something different too!"
Jay:Tilts head a bit concerned "I don't have a good feeling about this but go on?.."
Me:"Your meeting yourself in a different AU!"
Jay:Excited "That sounds cool!"
Jayla:Nervous "Aw, socializing was not on my planner today.. or ever."
Me:"Jayla, your going to be socializing with yourself!"
Jayla:Less nervous "Oh ok! *Hope it's not a version of my that attacks people on site..*"
Jaden:Actually looks interested "I was thinking of someone way worse but that's actually not that bad."
Me:Confused "What did you think was happening??"
Jaden:Shrugs "I don't know, but knowing you I thought it would be something really stupid."
Me:Offended "Rude."
Jordan:Tilts head "What AU is it??"
Me:Smiles "Not telling!"
Jordan:"Aw man."
Me:"You'll found out in a few minutes though!"
Jordan:Smiles "Oh ok!"
Janice:"If this version puts their hands on me, I will kill them. Just so you know."
Me:"I don't think that's gonna be a problem.. not saying why."
Janice:Smiles "Ooo, a mystery. Love those!"
Chrome:Looks at C.J "Wonder if they like the same stuff! Maybe we can't show them our stuff if they don't!"
C.J:"They probably will Chrome."
Chrome:"Well you don't know that! If you do please tell me what AU it is, waiting is SO BORING."
C.J:Jokingly "Or you're just impatient!"
Chrome:Offended "I am NOT impatient!!"
*Insert teleported Borrower Jay*

🦋 Jay:Confused "What freak?.."
Jay:Also confused "Well this is definitely not what I was expecting, though I didn't really expect anything so.."
🦋 Jay:A mix of confusion and nervousness "....I don't know how to react right now."
Jay:Agreeing "Yeah me either-"
🦋 Jayla:In force field, panicking "WHAT THE FREAK IS GOING ON?!"
Jayla:Innerly panicking "I don't know?? *WHAT THE FREAK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IN THIS SITUATION?!*
🦋 Jaden:Irritated "I WILL kill you!"
Jaden:Smirks teasingly "Yeah ok."
🦋 Jaden:Knows good and well he can't kill him, sighs "I hate this. I hate all of this."
Jaden:"Can't say I can't agree with you."
Jordan:Awkwardly "Uh, hi?"
🦋 Jordan:Also awkward "Even in this universe I'm awkward??"
🦋 Jordan:Smiles "Well we can be awkward together!"
🦋 Janice:"How many books do you have?"
Janice:Proudly "Currently, 1,263 that I've read at least read 3 times! You?"
🦋 Janice:"193, hard to get books when nobody likes hybrids."
Janice:Surprised "That's actually surprising."
🦋 Janice:Nods "Yeah you'd think borrowers would want us but most don't, and by most I mean like 98% of them.."
C.C.J:"Aww! We're cute! Can we keep us??"
C.J and 🦋 C.J:In sync "No."
Chrome and 🦋 C.C.J:Disappointed "Aw..."
🦋 C.J:Jokingly "Well we're not that different in this AU!"
🦋 C.C.J:Looks at 🦋 C.J annoyed "WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!"
Jayla:"And I thought I couldn't be shorter then I already am.."
🦋 Jayla:Doesn't say anything
Jayla:Awkwardly smiles
Jordan and 🦋 Jordan:Listening to music
Me:"What're you guys listening to?"
Both:In sync "Jack Stauber!"
Me:Smiles "Good music taste!"
C.C.J:"How many borrower me's would it take to kill me?"
C.J:"How should I know??"
C.C.J:"You're the smart one-"
🦋 C.C.J:Smiles "Probably a MILLION!!"
🦋 C.J:Looks at 🦋 C.C.J "I feel like it would be less then that."
Janice:Talking about romance books
🦋 Janice:Smiles
Me:Concerned "You guys have the weirdest taste in books-"
Janice:Interrupting "You read graphic novels you have the weirdest taste here!"
Me:Offended "Wow. Don't disrespect graphic novels like that."
Janice:Smiles "Just say you're childish-"
Jaden:Looks at me "Do they have our trauma or??"
Me:"Not really."
🦋 Jaden:Floating "We're hybrids so we're kinda outcasted from the rest of our species."
Jaden:Looks at me again "You suck."
Me:"2 words. Character. Development."
Jay:Showing off space rocks
🦋 Jay:Smiles "I wish I had this many in my collection!"
Me:Confused "How the freak do you get space rocks in your dimension??"
🦋 Jay:"Sometimes my Chrome shoots stuff in space out of the sky and it just crashes somewhere." Smiles "It hit this one lady's house one time, everyone thought they were being attacked by aliens for a good 3 and a half weeks!"
Me:Concerned "That's.. concerning."
*One hour later, after everyone from the 🦋 AU left*

Jayla:Smiles "I'm glad I was able to get myself to calm down, but I kind of disappointed it was a few minutes before she left-"
Me:"Well at least you tried!"
Jayla:"Talking to myself was not on my list today."
Jordan:"We should do this again at some point!"
Me:Smiles "We will!"
Jordan:Smiles "I can't wait!!"
Jaden:"Well that was an experience."
Me:"I can't tell if that was supposed to be positive or negative."
Jaden:Smiles "Mix of both."
Me:"Still can't tell if that was positive or negative."
Janice:"I hope other me's like the same books as me, or just books in general!"
Me:"They probably do!"
C.C.J:"Can we do this again some other time? I liked talking to myself!"
C.J:Jokingly "Chrome you do that all the time.."
C.C.J:Annoyed "No I don't! I talk to the ghost that died in the house!"
C.J:Shocked "You. WHAT?!?!"
Jay:"Hopefully next the version of me isn't deadly or anything."
Me:Jokingly "That be fun to write-"


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