Unknown Species 🚀🍪

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*Shawn's P.O.V*

Me and Hoshi went exploring while Star was doing research on that unknown planet we were on last time! I went in my humanoid form so we could see more stuff before we had to go back to Star, Hoshi thought it was cool! Plus I have LEGS!! Hoshi was interested in a lot of the stuff we saw, and I was too! We were talking most of the time but it kept us entertained when we didn't find anything!

Hoshi:Points "Oh look! A cave! We should go in!"
Shawn:Looks at Hoshi nervously "I don't know, Hoshi... That seems pretty sketchy.."
Hoshi:Smiles "Ok, you don't have to! You can stay and watch out for aliens while I go see what's in there!"
Shawn:Nods in agreement "Sounds good to me! Looking out for-" realization "WAIT NO! Hoshi don't leave me for bait!!"
Hoshi:"Ok, then let's go in!" Goes in
Shawn:Follows, worried "*Why do I get pressured into doing stuff like this?..*"
Hoshi:Looking around "Hm."
Shawn:Nervously laughs "Hoshi, it's dark in here.. Maybe we should go back?..."
Hoshi:Smiles "Don't worry! We'll find a light source!"
Shawn:"I hope so..."
Hoshi:Sets a few sticks on fire "See? Now we have light!"

*The light gets put out*

Hoshi:Confused "We that's not supposed to happen." Lights sticks again

*The light gets put out, again.*

Hoshi:Frowns "Who keeps doing that??"
Shawn:Nervous "Hoshi, don't make me think about what could be in this cave right now..."
???:Candle tail lights "Hello!"
Shawn:Hides behind Hoshi "AHHWHATTHEFREAKISTHAT??!!!"
???:Smiles "I have never met eyes with your kind before! What is your species?? I'm an alien, of some sort.. Yeah I'm not too sure!"
Hoshi:Amazed "Woah you look cool!"
???:"Thank you!" Pauses for a second then looks around "Why am I here again??" Looks at Hoshi and Shawn again "Oh hello!" Smile
Shawn:Confused "Hi? We just were talking??"
???:Spun head 360 then back "I don't remember that. Maybe someone else possibly?"
Shawn:Freaked out from the head spin
Hoshi:Changing the subject "What's your name? I'm Hoshi! This is Shawn! You kind of remind me of White Diamond from Steven Universe, except nicer! Speaking of which, we should watch that later!!"
???:Smiles "I'm Raito! I'm not sure who 'White Diamond' is though. I feel like I should, they sound cool!" Pauses again "How'd I get in here??"
Shawn:Looks at Hoshi worried "Maybe he has amnesia??"
Hoshi:Shrugs "Maybe, but that's ok!"
Raito:"I feel something's off. I also feel like that but now that sense is getting stronger."
Shawn:"Uhh, that's probably not good...."
Raito:Thinking "Maybe it is something bad, or good! I do not know it is something along those lines!"
Hoshi:Smiles "Well, whatever it is, we'll figure it out!"
Raito:Nods "I have only just met you, but I agree with you!"

With that, we left the cave. We weren't too sure what we were looking for but we were looking! Raito seems nice too! ) !!


(Hoshi belongs to Florari_Is_Writin !! ⭐️ I update the stars on his head and I NEED THEM IRL THEYRE SO SILLY 😭😭💜💜)

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