Take A HI(N)T 🦋

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*Jayla's P.O.V*
I was thinking about that human girl I had met in the human realm, though I didn't know why. Everyone else was busy so I thought I could sneak to the human realm, just to go get some good drawing ideas. I went back to the spot that spot where I met the human, and surprise surprise, she was there with one of her friends. I just hid behind the tree, again..

Monika:Worried "Jess, the dance is in 3 weeks and I STILL don't have a date! What if I don't get a date?! I'll be the only person at the dance without a date! Alexa and Marina BOTH have dates, and your boyfriend wants to take you!"
Jessie:"Monika I'm sure you'll get a date, plus, if you don't we all agreed that we'd go with you instead! Girl code!"
Monika:"I know.. but even that kid in history has a date!! How did that even happen?!"
Jessie:"Not a clue, but you'll be fine! Trust me! We've been friends for this long, you really think I'd let you go to our last middle school dance alone??"
Monika:Smiles "No."
Jessie:Smiles "I gotta meet up with the others at the mall, wanna come??"
Monika:"Sure! I'll catch up with you in a second!"
Jessie:"Alright!" Gets up and leaves
Jayla:"*The heck is a dance?? Probably another human celebration.*" Looks behind tree

*Monika left, also leaving her bag*

Jayla:Looks at the bag "Typical human behavior.. Leaving their crap everywhere... I'm not gonna return it. Heck no. That's going everything you've been taught.... but then I'll feel bad..." Sighs "Why do I have to be like this?.. Sympathy is definitely the worst thing about my personality.. I feel bad too easily, which is why I get peer pressured easily too." Notices Monika coming back "*CRAP! Dang it! She noticed she forgot it that quickly?! Great now I have to hide in the bag, nice..*" Teleports in the bag "*WAIT I COULD HAVE WENT BEHIND THE TREE!-"
Monika:Grabs bag and puts on shoulder "I do this every time.." Runs back to Jessie

*At The Mall*

Monika:Looks at Jessie "Alexa and Marina said they're getting here a little late, Alexa wanted to get snacks from the bakery."
Jessie:Laughs "She could have got snacks from here for WAY cheaper!"
Jayla:"*God this bag is cramped... Y'know, I could probably burn a hole so I can at least SEE*" Burns a small hole in bag "*That didn't help my cramped situation but it's not pitch black in here..*"
Monika:"Maybe we could go look at that new plush shop before they get here. I heard they had some good ones!" Gets up and heads to the store
Jessie:Follows "Yeah! My cousin got one form there, it wasn't a bad price either! Apparently it was a Japan exclusive too!"
Jayla:"*Does this count as ease dropping if your forced to listen? I should ask Janice when I get back..... if I get back..*"
Monika and Jessie:Looking through plush shop window
Monika:Smiles "This place looks so cool!"
Jessie:"Marina is definitely gonna spend all her allowance money here!"
Monika:Laughs "She's going to broke by the end of today!"
Jessie:Looking at a kid
Monika:Confused "You ok?"
Jessie:"Yeah, isn't that the kid in our Spanish class??"
Monika:Looks "Yeah, I think so. Why?"
Jessie:"She kept staring over here but when I looked at him, he stopped."
Jessie:"..We should.. go back to the entrance to wait for Alexa and Marina..."
Monika:Nods in a agreement
Jessie and Monika:Walk away
Jayla:"*Perv... This is why humans suck..*"
Math Kid:Goes in front of Monika "Hey~"
Monika:Confused "Hi?"
Jessie:Annoyed "Can you go away?? You're in our way."
Math Kid:Looks at Jessie "No, I'm busy LEPRECHAUN."
Jessie:Irritated in red head (I couldn't NOT put that lol-) "OK THAT'S IT-"
Kid 1 and 2:Pins Jessie to wall
Math Kid:"Anyways.. I was wonder if you'd wanna go to the dance with me?"
Monika:"Uhm, no thanks.."
Math Kid:"I mean, I DID help you with that math test, so this would be your payment."
Monika:"No. You know I'm not into guys anyway."

*Monika and Math Kid start arguing*

Jayla:Irritated "*God this human SUCKS... I need to move him, he's getting on my nerves.*" Use telekinesis, accidentally pushing him too hard causing him to fall to the first floor
Monika:Freaked out "OH MY GOD." Looks at him
Kid 2:Also freaked out "HE JUST FELL 2 STORIES DOWN!!" Runs to him
Kid 1:Follows
Jessie and Monika:Looking down at him
Jessie:Looks at Monika "You don't think we'll be charged for this, right??"
Monika:Panicking "I-I don't know?! How did that even happen?! I didn't touch him, just flew off-"
Alexa and Marina:Runs to Monika and Jessie
Alexa:Freaked out "Oi, what heck happened?! Why's that kid from math's bones built like that?!"
Marina:Grossed, gags "I think I'm gonna be sick..."
Monika:Panicking "I don't know, ok?! Look, we need to leave though! I do NOT need to be charged for a murder I didn't cause!!"
Alexa:Nods "Yeah, I don't wanna go to jail yet!!"
Marina:Looks at Alexa concerned "'Yet'?.."
Alexa:Changing the subject "LAST ONE OUTSIDE IS A CRIMINAL! And I mean that in the most literal way possible." Runs out
Marina, Alexa, and Monika:Follows

*At Monika's House*

Marina:Looks at Alexa "What are you doing?"
Alexa:Writing "I'm making plans for if we get investigated, or worse!"
Monika:Still anxious "Can we change the subject?.. I really don't wanna think about that right now...."
Jessie:"Relax, they'll probably just look at the cameras and realize he just threw himself off for attention."
Monika:"I don't think he threw himself off, his friends were pretty freaked out as well.."
Marina:Changing subject "You guys want to play Roblox or something??"
Alexa:Gets phone "Yeah, I've been wanting to play this one horror game!"
Jessie:Shrugs "Sure, I gotta redownload it though." Grabs phone
Monika:Sighs "Sounds fun." Grabs bag to get bag "....Oh my god.."

*Jayla is passed out in a force field*

Alexa:Looks at Monika "What??"
Monika:Nervous "N-Nothing!-"
Alexa:"Liar. What's in the bag Monika?"

*To Be Continued*

[A/N]:Left y'all on another cliffhanger 🤭🤭 on that cliff hanging GRIND but it's a longer one so ig that kinda makes up for it 💪😎💅✨

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