Eunjin's alarm woke her up early even though it was a Saturday morning. Her and Ricky were meeting with some random realtor that day. They wanted to make sure that they had somewhere to stay after their wedding that wasn't their parents' estate.
All three of Eunjin's roommates slept in late. On the weekends they generally work up past noon. And since they were up late the previous night they weren't waking up for a while.
Ricky had suggested that they drive together to meet up with the home realtor. Just so it seemed like they were a real couple. Well, a couple that actually liked each other.
Ricky's dorm wasn't that far of a walk from Eunjin's so she walked there. Besides she was the type to walk at an abnormally fast pace.
She found Ricky waiting outside of his dorm, all ready to go. He looked up from his phone, noticing Eunjin.
"There you are" Ricky put his phone away in his pocket. "Let's go and get this over with."
Eunjin hoped that they would like the first few houses so they could be done quickly. She just wanted to go back home and watch her kdrama.
"I told him we were looking for a house on the large side" Ricky told her, leading her towards his car. "You know, so we can like distance ourselves and such. Except I obviously didn't tell him that part or he would wonder things or ask things."
"Glad you're smart enough to know that" Eunjin opened the passengers seat door, getting in.
"If I wasn't smart enough then how did I take your first place ranking?" Ricky knew what topics would trigger her.
Eunjin decided to keep her composure for once and to just change the topic. "Let's just do this quickly. I don't really care as long as we both have our own personal spaces."
"Ditto" Ricky said. (a/n: did i make him say that just for the newjeans reference? yes 😻)
The realtor showed Eunjin and Ricky three different places that could possibly be their future home. The realtor probably assumed that they planned on starting a large family since they had asked to be shown houses with many rooms. They didn't correct him, not wanting to tell him the actual reason.
Eunjin and Ricky quickly decided on the first house that their realtor had taken them to. Their reasoning was because it was the most spaced out and had the most rooms. There were enough for Eunjin and Ricky to both have their own rooms and there still be a guest bedroom or two and the master bedroom.
"Oh damn, the one with a bunch of bedrooms huh" the realtor said. "You two plan on starting a family?"
Eunjin and Ricky looked over at each other.
"Uhhh yeah" Ricky lied to him.
"That's great!" they did everything else they needed to do to purchase the house.
Eunjin and Ricky decided that neither of them would officially move in until they graduated a they wanted to spend their last week of university with their roommates in their dorm.
"Let's just leave the master bedroom alone" Eunjin suggested, thinking it would be unfair if one of them had the large room. "We both get our own offices and bedrooms and everything else just sits there. Got it?"
Ricky nodded. "Sounds like a good plan. Which isn't something I would expect to come from you."
Eunjin learned that she should just not respond. She just rolled her eyes and stepped back into Ricky's car.
"You're coming to dinner with me" Ricky told her, buckling his seatbelt.
"No, I'm not" Eunjin didn't know where he got that idea from. She was annoyed that the house hunting stuff took all day. She was hoping to be home by at least 14:00.
"Yes, you are" Ricky started to drive somewhere. "Hao's going to dinner with a friend so I'm gonna be alone. And we're already together."
Eunjin didn't argue with him. She told herself that she should just go with him since she had no other plans and he had been nice enough to drive her. Plus, she felt bad leaving people alone. Even if that person was Shen Ricky.
"We're not going on a honeymoon, right?" Ricky asked his fiancée, remembering that honeymoons existed.
"Why would we?" Eunjin responded. "We both have work done and this is just an arranged marriage."
"I never said that I wanted to or something" Ricky rolled his eyes at her. "I'm just confirming."
Ricky and Eunjin sat awkwardly across from each other at a good Japanese restraunt. The restraunt specialized in udon noodles so they both ordered those. Ricky ordered the normal beef ones and Eunjin ordered the curry noodles.
"Let's split the check" Eunjin told Ricky beforehand.
But Ricky shook his head at her. "There's no point. Since we're getting married soon."
Eunjin forgot about that part. She had been brainstorming things to do to get out of the house often or to just avoid her future husband.
Their food quickly came and Eunjin thought it wa pretty good. She hadn't been to that restraunt before but told herself that she should definitely come back again. Just not with Ricky. Probably like with Aecha or her brother, Eunsung.
Ricky drove Eunjin back to her dorm after their meal. Since it would be an extremely long walk there and Eunjin didn't want to call for a taxi.
"Thanks" Eunjin decided to thank him for driving her back. Even if she didn't like someone she knew that she should still be polite. "See you when I see you."
"Bye" Ricky drove off after that single word.
Eunjin sighed, unlocking the dorm from door with her key. She went straight to her, needing to finish an assignment.
Haewon entered her room, checking out what Eunjin was doing. "You find a house?"
Eunjin nodded in response to her friends question. "Yeah. Took forever though."
"Well yeah" Haewon spoke. "But that's good. When are you gonna have your bachelorette party?"
Eunjin hadn't really thought about having a bachelorette party. The thought just never entered her mind and it's not like she had much time to plan her wedding. "I wasn't planning on having one."
"WHAT?" Haewon said loudly. "You can't just not have one! I'll plan yours real quick hang on. It can be just the four of us if you don't wanna bring that many people. We can go to like the spa or something. Yeah that sounds good, I'll go book it now."
Eunjin sighed, not wanting to bother even trying to change Haewon's mind. Once Haewon was set on doing something no one could stop her. And Eunjin admired that about her.
"Will 11:45 work or 12:30?"
Haewon quickly made reservations and told Nari and Aecha that they better come and that they were.
"Okay, cancel your plans if you have any that day" Haewon told their two other roommates. "Cause we're gonna do this instead."
i hate that facecams keep zooming in then out then in again
like make up ur mind

Inherited Love - Ricky (ZEROBASEONE) (discontinued)
Fanfiction"I'm still always a step ahead of you" "Who ever said that?" "I did" Jung Eunjin is the daughter and heir of one of the most successful CEOs in the country. She also happens to be one of the top students in her class. Without her consent, she is wed...