Chapter 1 ~ Dark Horizons

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Percival and Ariella ran up the stairs to their chamber hand in hand and found Adelaide, Bella's nurse , sitting rocking her cradle quietly smiling as they both ran about getting dressed quickly and throwing clothes everywhere as dresses were exchanged for trousers and Shirt sleeves were exchanged for chainmail. 

Ariella quickly kissed Bella's forehead as she slept peacefully then ran out of the room and down the corridor to Leon and Kyra's chamber , she burst through the door and found similar clothes chaos everywhere but found them on the bed kissing deeply . she grabbed a shirtless Leon off of kyra who was already dressed in her leather hunting trousers , tunic that moulded to the shape of her top half and her chainmail waistcoat that just rested above her hips .   

She quickly sorted her hair and caught her breath as Leon leant against the pillar in the middle of the room casually with a smirk as he put on his padded jacket and threw his chainmail on over the top then buckled his belt and sword scabbard round his waist loosely.

Percival bolted into the room with his sleeveless chainmail on and grabbed the girls' hands and pulled them out of the room and down to the armoury where Gwaine and Elyan were frantically trying to do up their armguards but failing to tie the leather strings that held them together .  Ariella ran to grab her sword then sorted out Elyan's armguards quickly for him then sprinted out into the courtyard and jumped over the low wall into the Citadel gardens. Kyra did exactly the same apart from the fact that she sorted Gwaine's for him .      


Arthur's POV

I watched amusedly as Kyra and Ariella jumped over the wall and sprinted towards me then fell in a heap on the grass panting heavily as they looked up at me apologetically .

" sorry we were late Sire " Ariella said breathlessly , I let out   a chuckle  and helped them up .

"you're not late , in fact you are twenty minutes early !" I laughed as all of the others all came tumbling over the wall pushing each other out the way as they all tried to get there first .

They all managed to line up in some assemblance of order puffing heavily . I walked along their line silently , Leon and Percival stood out with their height dwarfing everyone especially kyra who stood just below my shoulder normally . 

" stand at ease  boys , you're early not late " I laughed as they all collapsed onto the floor groaning.

"but Merlin said training was now ?" Elyan questioned hoarsely , I bit back laughing as Merlin came up behind them with shields and grinned mischievously, " I told merlin that I had moved training forward to this morning to see if you lot , would get here in time !" I chuckled  as all the knights stood up and started to circle round merlin threateningly .

"I-I did what I w-was told guys ... guys ?" merlin stuttered as he looked for a way out . Leon and Percival stood behind merlin towering over him with a malicious grin on their faces.

"RIGHT GET HIS TROUSERS OFF BOYS !!!" Gwaine yelled as he grabbed Merlin's feet as Elyan pulled his  trousers.

I stood roaring in laughter as Merlin disappeared inside writhing mass of chainmail, muscles and shouting  then reappeared with his trousers round his ankles as the knights all strolled away casually.

"thank you for that guys " Merlin mumbled as his cheeks flushed, he bent hastily to pull his trousers up and shot a glare at me.

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