Chapter 6 ~ You win some , You lose some

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We all sat in the hall talking and laughing . I sat next to Ariella with Bella in my lap , bouncing her up and down .

Gwaine and Elyan burst through the doors .


"Merlin get everyone out of here !"

Arthur jumped up and ran past us , he pointed to me " you know what to do !" 

I hoisted Bella up onto my hip and grabbed Ariella's hand , I dragged her through the back exit past Merlin . We ran through the corridors till we reached the courtyard , Ariella kept going but I pulled her back into the shadows as 5 giant Saxons ran past with long swords . I gasped when I saw who was leading them , Lancelot stood in front of them holding his sword out in front of him .

They passed without noticing us , we ran across the courtyard to the Armoury . I opened the door quickly put Bella down and barricaded the door behind Ariella . 

I picked up my sword and tied the belt round my hips tightly , I threw Ariella's sword to her and ran to the wall and pulled at the Pendragon crest shield , it swung open to reveal a secret passageway behind it .

Ariella picked up Bella and crawled into the passageway quickly , I followed as the door started shaking from people banging on it . I closed the shield behind us pitching us into darkness . Isobella started whimpering , I held out my hand and whispered "Lios alfar "

Little stars of light appeared floating down the tunnel lighting the way . Ariella crawled quickly through the tunnel , she stopped suddenly .

 "Kyra its a dead end !" she whispered frantically , I pushed past her and felt the wall , I hit in different spots then found the lever .

"yes !" I punched it and the seemingly impassable wall opened to reveal the stables .

"nice one cousin !" Ariella grinned , I shrugged and jumped down quickly . I ran into Percival's horse ,Cornix's,  stable , I threw his saddle on and quickly pulled his bridle over his head . I kicked the loose plank at the wall and it popped open to reveal a bundle . Ariella came into the stable and gently placed Bella down in the hay manger , Cornix  looked surprised as he went to eat some hay . He looked at Ariella with wide eyes  saying ' there is a child in my food woman , I'm not eating it for you !'

I handed Ariella the bundle and my cloak that was still in Leon's stable for Galwyn . She put on the cloak quickly and jumped on Cornix , I passed Bella up to her after kissing her forehead . I grabbed Cornix's bridle and ran him out of the stable quickly to the portcullis . I heard yelling behind me , I looked up at Ariella and said quickly "ride to Ealdor , merlin's mother will hide you ! GO! " I hit Cornix and he rocketed out of the citadel with Ariella and Bella on him . I cut the the rope to the portcullis letting it crash down .

I turned to face the wave of Saxons In front of me  . 


they all rounded on me swinging maces and swords menacingly , I took a deep breath and channelled my focus , just as the first saxon started to charge . he was thrown backwards by an unseen force .

" Enough ! ,  I want her alive !" a voice called from behind me , I spun round and came face to face with Morgana who just smiled mockingly at me , I held my cool calculating stare on Morgana even though every bone in my body told me to run in the opposite direction .

" take her to the cells and put her with the others , I will deal with her later " Morgana told the Saxons . they marched forward gripping my upper arms making me wince as I felt a bruise already beginning to form .

" this isn't over Morgana , you will not take the throne , Arthur is the true king of Camelot and there is nothing you can do to change that " I said softly to her . her eyes flashed , then she just smiled cruelly and said simply " we shall see " . She nodded to the guards who  pulled me away toward the cells .

I felt rough hands push me into a dark cell .

"thanks for the lift fellas !" I shouted after them .

"Kyra ?" a voice asked from the darkness , I turned to see Leon ,Percival and Helena all sitting on the beds .

"Leon !"

I ran to him and pulled him into a hug .he pulled back and checked me over for injuries , Percival pushed him out of the way then gave me a bear hug .

" Did Ariella get out ? Is she safe ?"  Percival asked quickly , I nodded and waved him away ,holding out my arms to Helena who looked petrified and was shaking .

"Helena , its alright "  I said to her smoothing her hair back on both sides of her face . She nodded and looked at me with her big green eyes with such an innocent look my heart melted . 

I hugged her as Leon said " lets all try and get some sleep while we can "

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