4 | Country Clubs and Confrontations

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It was about a week or so after hanging out on the boat, Charlotte had spent every day with John B and the pogues but today she was spending it on the golf course with Matt, Clara, and Jamie.

"So like where have you been for the past like week?" Jamie asked Charlotte.

"I've been around, just hanging out" Charlotte said stepping up to the ball and getting ready to swing.

"Yeah with a bunch of broke people from the cut" Matt said under his breath.

Clara gasped "You've been hanging out on the Cut? Why?" She said almost disgusted.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and looked away from them.

"Just cause they're from the cut doesn't mean they're worth any less than you and me. Plus John B is super cool and fun. All of them are" she says stepping away from the Tee after hitting it.

"Actually they're definitely worth less" Matt says again.

Charlotte held herself back from getting upset.

The group moved along to the next section.

"What do you even do over on the cut?" Jamie asked.

"Well it's different everyday, me and Kie love going and saving the animals. We made sure a bunch of baby birds got to the other side of the road the other day it was super cute" She smiled "Then sometimes we surf, we go out on John Bs boat a lot and fish in the marsh, JB taught me how to catch the drum-"

Matt scoffed.

"Alright, What is your fucking problem Matt?" Charlotte snaps.

"Besides you hanging out with a bunch of trailer trash, nothing" He glared at her.

"Don't call them that. You don't even know them" she snapped.

"I don't need to know them to know they've got you running around the island like some sort of vagrant" he rolled his eyes.

"They're my friends Matt"

"No Charlotte, We're your friends. But you haven't given us the time of day in like a week and a half"

"Oh so now you get to dictate who I'm friends with? Last time I checked Matt, WE BROKE UP! You can't tell me what I can and can't do anymore"

"Charlotte, don't start with that"

"No Matt, cause this is why we broke up. You're such a dick. I never get this type of shit with JB and the others" Charlotte snapped.

"Oh really? If you like them so much, then leave. They're losers and you'll end up just like them. You wanna run all over the cut, I'm not gonna sit around and watch" Matt said.

"Oh so now your kicking me out of the group because I've been hanging out on the cut? How do you two feel about this?" Charlotte looked over at Clara and Jamie who haven't said anything this whole argument.

The two stayed silent.

"Hm alright, you know what, you're right Matt. If I end up like the pogues, then I'll end up like them proudly" Charlotte said throwing her clubs in the back of the golf cart.

"Wait, Charlotte-" Clara said.

"Nah it's too late, you had your chance. Now, you guys can have fun walking back to the first hole assholes" Charlotte threw her middle finger up in the air and drove off.

Charlotte got to the golf cart parking and walked inside the country club.

She walked over to the golf club cleaners and stood in line.

"Hey!" She heard from behind her but she didn't turn around.

"It's Charlotte, right?" She heard.

She turned and saw Sarah Cameron, standing behind her in line.

"Ya, we've met before actually" Charlotte said smiling awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, you've been hanging out with the pogues" Sarah said.

'Here we go' Charlotte thought to herself.

"Yeah, I have been"

"Ya, well you're gonna need to stop. They're just using you to replace me? You know that right?" Sarah said.

"Well if that's what you need to believe to justify breaking up with JB and leaving the pogues then trying to come back like it's nothing, then sure Sarah. I'll be your replacement" Charlotte laughed.

"Excuse you?"

"You think I don't know what you did? You broke John Bs heart and then stopped talking to all of the pogues in the process and then when you got bored of the Kook lifestyle you decided to go crawling back to them. Now you're trying to get me out of your way, when news flash, John B doesn't want you anymore" Charlotte stepped closer to her "So don't tell me to stop hanging out with MY friends"

Sarah stood there too stunned to speak.

"Have a great day, Sarah" Charlotte smiled sarcastically and handed her golf clubs in, before walking out of the country club.

She hopped on her bike, still incredibly pissed off and started her trip to the cut to go see John B.

After a few minutes she arrived.

She dropped her bike and walked over to the patio where John B, JJ and Pope were all sitting.

"I want you to know your ex girlfriend is an absolute psychopath. She ambushed me at the country club" Charlotte stormed into the patio and started pacing in anger.

"Oh is that why you're dressed like that?" JJ said.

Charlotte looked down at her outfit and saw she was still dressed in a pink polo shirt and a white tennis skirt.

She flipped JJ off.

"Shut up. Are you guys even listening to me?" She said.

"What'd she say?" John B asked.

"She came up to me and had the audacity to say that you guys are using me as a 'replacement Sarah' and THEN TOLD ME TO 'STOP HANGING OUT WITH YOU GUYS?!' Who the hell does she think she is?!" Charlotte said getting loud.

"Wait what? Why would she say that?" Pope asked.

"I don't know but it was bullshit. I was already arguing with my kook friends and then Sarah comes over and acts like she owns the damn island" Charlotte says getting increasingly more angry.

"Hey, come here" John B grabbed her hand and pulled her over into his lap and hugged her " Just don't let her get to you"

The two had become extremely close in the past two weeks, so this wasn't an odd scene.

"Mannnn she's not gonna give up huh?" JJ jokes.

"Probably not, she'll probably cut off my head and put it on a stick outside the Chateau to try and warn anyone from coming in" Charlotte said darkly.

"Huh, what an odd thing to say?" Pope laughed.

The group laughed along side him.

"I'm just having a bad day" she said leaning back into John B.

"Well you know what I do when I have a bad day?" JJ said.

"Why do I feel like the answer is gonna be something gross?" Charlotte said.

JJ thought to himself for a second.

"Well then I'll change my answer, let's get into the boat, get Kie and spend the day out on the water" JJ said getting up.

"Yeah that actually sounds fun" Pope said getting up.

"What do you think?" John B asked.

"Yeah, nobody can bug us out on the marsh" She laughed.

They all got up and walked over to the boat.

"Let's gooooo" John B said starting the boat.

The group made their way to Kie.


Charlotte has bad kook friends.
No good.

And then, there was you || John B RoutledgeWhere stories live. Discover now