6 | Storms and Aftermaths.

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The two were asleep on the couch when a huge crash was heard.

"What the fuck was that?" Charlotte said sitting up abruptly.

"I don't know?" John B said.

JJ ran out of one of the bedrooms.

"What the fuck was that?" JJ said.

"I don't know" John B and Charlotte said at the same time.

"What time is it?" JJ asked.

Charlotte grabbed her phone.

"3:47am" Charlotte said "it's probably a tree, the storms really bad"

The three of them stood in front of the window and watched as a huge storm blew trees and branches all over the yard.

The water was choppy and the waves were high.

"Oh what the hell?" John B said looking out.

"Damn, well I'm going back to sleep" JJ said.

"During all this noise? How the hell?" Charlotte looked over at him confused as he walked back over to the bedroom.

"Goooood night" JJ said as he closed the door.

The two shook their head and laughed.

"God, I'm so tired" John B whined while running a hand through his hair.

"Go back to sleep, I can head home?" She said.

"Oh no, not in this weather. Come on" he said walking into his room.

The two flopping onto the bed.

Charlotte pulled out her phone and put on some Netflix.

The two watched the movie in peace before Charlotte fell asleep, her head laying on his chest.

He wrapped his arm tighter around her.

He kissed the top of her head.

"Night Char"

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The thunder woke Charlotte up this time.

She tried sit up but felt a weight on her waist. She looked down to see an arm wrapped around her.

She suddenly realized that she was laying in John Bs arms. She laid back down for a bit longer, until the storm had silenced.

"JB, it's time to wake up" she said sitting up a bit "John Beeeee"

"No" he pulled her back down towards her.

"Come on, we gotta go see the damage done to the island" she said sitting up and staring at him.

"Noooo, I'm too tiredddd" he groaned.

"Get your butt up JB" she said.

"Hmmmm" he groaned before wrapping his arms around her and rolling over into her.

"John B, Get your fat ass off of me" she laughed trying to shove him off of her.

"No, I'm sleeping" he mumbled.

"JB moveeeee!" She pushed him again before he rolled too far off the bed landing on the floor with her.

"Oh ow" he said laughing and rubbing the top of his head that hit the floor.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" she laughed sitting up so she was sittin on him "Are you okay?"

"No I think I'm dying" He laughed.

And then, there was you || John B RoutledgeWhere stories live. Discover now