~British Walker~

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A/n I'm gonna let y'all choose your own clothing style bc ppl have very different tastes also I have no idea how to is acting stuff goes I'm not an actor

Sunlight enters my vision as I role over towards the window. I let out a muffled groan as someone bangs at the bathroom door.

It must be Walker.

I slowly (very slowly) get up and yell "IM COMING"

I unlock the door and stare at Walker. He's wearing a loose t-shirt that hangs over one shoulder and low rise flannel pajamas.

Walker looks at me. I'm wearing a big "junior jewels" shirt over flannel pants also.

"We have a character discussion soon, we have to get dressed"

"Oh alright I'll be down in 15" I say about to close the door.

"I like your pants" he yells as I close the door. I can almost feel him smirking on the other side.

I quickly hurry over to my suitcase which still wasn't unpacked.

I yank out a pair of jean shorts and some brandy Melville shirt.

I sit down at the hotel provided desk and get out my makeup. I stay simple but enough to look like I tried.

I check the time and curse. It's already 7:03. I rush towards the elevator and see Walker doing the same thing.

We reach it both in time and hit down. We were supposed to meet them in a building a minutes walk from the hotel.

"We'll be fashionably late" Walker says to fill the silence.

I nod.

A ding fills the akwardness and we rush out and start running to the building. Were just in time, maybe a little on the late side. The lady at the desk pointed us at a room in the corner.

We walk in. It was a plain grey work room with big windows that were covered by blinds. In the middle stood a long table covered in what I assumed was scripts.

Mostly everyone had been seated except for Luis.

I look around to see Luis panting heavily down the street behind us. He yanks open the door, glaring at Walker and me.

"I...I was calling your names!" He says gulping in more air.

"Oh we must've not heard you" Walker laughs.

Luis mutters something incoherent and slumps down at his seat, still breathing heavily.

The director and and the writer sat together at the end of the table. They had little name tags on their neatly pressed shirts.
The directors read Director: John and the other read Writer: Dean.

"Alright let's get started, we're going to go over main attributes in your characters and if there will be any character development" John says, hushing everyone's side talk. John has bright red hair, brown eyes and very pale and freckled skin.

"First any questions?" Dean pipes up. He has curly brown hair and green eyes and look to be about mid 40's.

"Oh I have one" I say suddenly feeling very self conscious as everyone's heads turn to look at me.

"Should I use my American accent or my Australian accent?"

I was from New Jersey because my mum gave birth to me in America right after getting her visa. She still had a strong Australian accent and I guess I got that from her. We learned together to have more of an American accent but we normally spoke in our Australian accent.

"Australian" Dean replies, giving me a bright smile.

"What about me" Walker cuts in.

All eyes now go to Walker.

"What do you mean?" John says, cocking his head to the side.

"Should I use my English accent or my American accent"

"Your not British" Luis says, looking him right in the eye.

"Why yes I am good lad" Walker says in the worst possible british accent you can think of.

"Now that just insulting" Luis mutters.

I cover my mouth to get and hide the smile spreading across my face. Walker sees this and winks at me.

"Anyways let's start on character discussion!" John say before we get carried away. He starts handing out packet with headers and little paragraphs beneath them.

"Each of these are designed for your own character" Dean clarifies.

Some of the headers say style or occupation at beginning. I scan through mine. I read through family before my eye catches on another.

Relationships: enemies to lovers with Tommy except Tommy fell first at the very beginning.

I peer over walkers shoulder to see if his said something like mine. He hadn't seen the header yet as he was determined to read every single paragraph.

I read his. It wrote: Fell in love with Olivia at first sight but she did not due too a misunderstanding.

I watched as his eyes scanned over the paragraph. Only then did he notice me reading over his shoulder.

"Aye eyes on your own paper" he said, still in his British accent.

"You've got to stop with the accent" I joked.

"Now we want you to really study your character alright? Practice how you want to say things like your character would. I recommend working with others" John said, scanning everyone in the room.

"Bonding! Bonding is very important, I want you to form good relationships with your coworkers. We have some games in mind that we'll be playing for the rest of the day." Dean cuts in.

Everyone visibly perks up and I make eye contact with Walker, who gives me an excited smile.

Let the games begin.

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now