~cute boy~

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IT TOOK 15 MINUTES to get to the ice cream store.

Walkers hair had finally dried and he was sticking his head out the window, letting the wind ruffle his curls.

He looked like a dog and Inez let out a little chuckle to herself.

Lucy had finally finished her shell haul and was tapping her foot excitedly against the floor of the car. Javon was in the front seat arguing with Louis on the best ice cream flavor.

"Man I'm telling you, nut ice cream flavors are so good" he persuaded.

"Javon, what happened to liking normal flavors like chocolate or something?" Louis retorted. This argument had been going on for about five minutes now, and Javons only defense was that it "tasted nice"

Javon turned to his next victim: Lucy.

"Well have you had nut ice cream Lucy?"

She scoffed. "I'm allergic, remember?"

Javon turned forward in his seat and turned the music up, upset that he had lost the argument.

Walker finally closed the window. He had a huge grin on his face, and Inez could tell he had lots of adrenaline running through his body.

She felt the jeep make a turn and stop. The ice cream store was in the corner, with faded pink walls and an old fashioned look to it.

The paint was peeling on the inside but it looked homey. It had a jukebox in the corner playing light background music and Inez could hear the light chatter of customers and the people who worked there.

The group stood in line for about 5 minutes, deciding on their flavor. There was a whole wall filled with flavors and Inez had a hard time choosing.

She was between Coffee Chip (what it sounds like) and Dark Night (black raspberry with fudge).

She would get both but coffee and black raspberry don't go together and she wasn't that hungry.

Walker had obviously already decided, looking around and tapping his foot excitedly,

She turned to him. "What flavor are you getting?"


She raised an eyebrow. "Out of the entire wall of flavors, you chose chocolate?"

He shrugged. "You can't go wrong with chocolate. Why? What flavors are you getting?"

"I'm debating between Coffee Chip or Dark Night."

He tilted his head while he thought. Finally, he said, "Dark Night, it's more refreshing for today"

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks." She could never decide between anything quickly, and Walker seemed to be the opposite.

They stepped up to the counter and were greeted by a teenage boy who seemed to be their age. "Hey! What can I get for you today?"

Louis smiled back and said everyone's orders. "Can I get one nut ice cream in a cake cone, one rainbow sherbet in a waffle cone, one vanilla in a waffle cone, one chocolate in a cake cone with sprinkles, and one dark night in a waffle cone, thanks"

The boy at the counter cheerily replied back, "sure!" and went to make our order.

Lucy nudged me and smirked. "Inez he's cute! You should get his number."

The boy was cute. I mean, he wasn't ugly. He had dark skin and light brown eyes, and the pink uniform shirt they had to wear looked good on him, but Inez thought of Walker.

They weren't dating, and it wouldn't be crazy if she did ask for his number, but it just felt...wrong.

"Maybe." Inez shrugged.

Walker looked over at her. "Yeah but you don't know him, he could be like, a serial killer"

No way. Was Walker jealous or was Inez seeing too much into this?

"Walker, I'm getting his number, it's not like he could find my address and kill me."

"So you are getting his number?"

Lucy grinned. "Why are you so affected by this Walker?"

"I'm not" he defended.

The boy at the counter came back with their orders and Walker casually put his arm around her. "Walker get your arm off of me!" She whisper hissed. The boy was gonna get the wrong idea, and even though Inez didn't care if she did or did not get his number, seeing Walker so affected by this was fun.

They were at the cash register, and Lucy was trying to subtly elbow her into doing it.

Inez chickened out. She had never asked for a boys number before, and she felt awkward if she just suddenly did it.

"Uhm hey" the boy said before they left the shop. "Can I get your number?" He asked, making eye contact with Inez.

Lucy's jaw dropped.

Inez smiled at the boy. "Yeah sure"

She wrote her number down on a napkin and handed it to the boy. He grinned at her and carefully folded up the napkin and put it in his pocket.

"Have a good day" he said, looking at Inez.

"Thanks." Walker replied and led her out the door, grumpily eating his ice cream.

They all sat down on a bench outside the shop and listened to Walker rant.

"I mean, did you see that satanic smile he gave Inez? He's a serial killer. And I don't know if you guys noticed, but I barely have any sprinkles on mine, he has it out for me."

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now