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A/n Sardines is basically one person hides and then the rest of the group go looking for them. Once they find them they hide with the first person until everyone has found that one person. Lmk if you have questions.
Also sorry for the wait I had a little family emergency thing

"Ok, first game we will be playing is sardines" Dean says.

The cast is in a line. There was probably about nine or ten people. It was mostly the characters parents that don't have as important of a role and a little girl whose maybe six years old playing someone's sister. We are all standing outside in this grassy park a few minutes away from the hotel. Although there are plenty of trees too stand under we are lined up definitely not in the shade.

The sun is too hot. Everyone here is wiping sweat off or fanning themselves frantically.

I am trying to fold our character analysis sheet into a fan but I haven't made these since second grade so I am definitely struggling.

The folds of the paper aren't creating the wiggles. I give up and curse under my breath. Going back to fanning my face with my hand.

"Here" Walker mutters, taking my paper. He gently folds the paper forward and then backwards creating probably the most perfect paper fan I have seen. I reach to take it from him but he yanks it away.

"Nah we have to share, I left my paper in the meeting room so I need yours" he says quietly as he fans us both.

"Yeah but I'm hotter" I say snatching the beautifully folded paper and start fanning myslef.

"I dunno my hair is one of my best attributes, have you gotten lost in my eyes yet?" He jokes trying to take the paper back.

"I mean I'm sweatier dumbass" I take the paper back again.

Luis leans in. "Language" he whispers before returning to his former position.

I roll my eyes and keep fanning myself.

"-so does everyone understand the rules of the game now?" Dean says.

Thank god I already knew how to play this because I was not paying attention to anything that was coming out of his mouth before.

Everyone nods.

"Good cause I wasn't going to explain it again" he smiles. "The person who will hide first will be..."

The silence hangs in the air like stars in outer space.

"Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger..." he kept going on pointing to everyone until he landed on Walker.

"Alright go hide, everyone else's close your eyes...Oh hey that rhymed! Wow again!" Dean clapped with a smile that went from ear to ear.

I closed my eyes and felt Walker run off behind me. While we waited Dean kept trying to make new rhymes.

"We are playing sardines! That's right not hide and seek" Dean was acting like a five year old.

Once the time was up everybody rushed out, desperate to get away from Dean's awful rhymes.

I immediately turned behind me and looked around. There was a long path that stretched out, with trees, bushes and benches scattered across.
I go off trail, knowing it would be obvious to follow the path.

It wasn't long before I found a blonde curl peaking out behind a random bush that was located near a tree. It was a decent hiding spot, the tree had lots of leaves to cover his body.

"Hey" I whisper, sitting down next to him.

"How did you find me?!" He whispers back, looking shocked.

"You hair was poking out" I chuckle as Walker desperately tries to flatten and tame his hair. It proved to be impossible.

"You should be glad you got picked. Dean started thinking he was Dr Seuss." I whisper.

Walker smiles "I mean if you really miss his rhymes I could make a few for you right now, or perhaps a haiku?"

"Oh god no more" I groan.

We hear the crunching of a stick and Walker suddenly puts his hand over my mouth. I give him a look and he puts his hand down.

"Am I interrupt something?" Javon says, popping out of absolutely nowhere.

"No but quickly sit down" Walker says, grabbing Javon by his collar and bringing him down next to him.
"Squeeze in" he said.

—-15 minutes later and several poorly done haikus——

"Walker your elbow is hitting me." I say, groaning in pain.

"No that's nine syllables, we need seven for the middle"

"Get your elbow off of me" I say. My arms are currently pinned to my side and I can feel walkers breath fanning my cheek. I'm practically on his lap.

"Oh perfect! Seven syllables, see your getting better" he says joyfully like we're not sitting in the sweltering heat while I'm being pressed up against him.

"Alright here's what we have in all. Walker is so hot. Get your elbow off of me. I am so sweaty." Walker presents proudly.

"Hey man it rhymes to!" One of the actors who is playing the dad says.

"Shakespeare could never" he flaunts.

God someone please find us and get me out of this hell hole.

The sweet sound of someone voice answered my prayers.

"Found you guys!" Some guy with long black hair said.

"Never have I wanted to hear that more" I mumble before trying to get up. Someone is fully sprawled out on my leg. One by one we un pile ourselves and get up. Walker gets up before me and holds out his hand.

"No more haikus? I say.

"No more" he promises, grabbing my hand and bringing me up.

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now