~blood rush~

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INEZ WAS SHIT AT MATH. It was something that she had always struggled with. She never understood why she had to learn the most complicated things when unless she was becoming an architect (which she wasn't) she didn't need.

Walker and Inez were laying on the hotel floor, with math sheets, binders, and notebooks spread out everywhere.

"God I mean, I really don't see why I am going to need all of these formulas" she complained after filming.

Walker gave her a blank stare. "Inez...we're only doing a circumference of a circle right now, this is like, sixth grade stuff."

Inez had FaceTimed her mom one day and introduced her to Walker. Of course, he mom started rattling off about how bad Inez was at math. Walker offered to help and her mom nearly cried of joy.

She gave a short huff of complaint. "It's just as hard."

"My brother could do this better than you can."

Inez decided to be civilized and ignore his comment. She was bored out of her mind and was starting to get uncomfortable after laying on the floor for a long period of time.

She rolled over on her back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Calculating the perimeter of the ceiling now?" Walker joked, also flipping onto his back. "Wait can you even do that?"

"Asshole" was all she muttered back.

She was tired. She had slept terribly and actually using her brain power exhausted her. She turned her head to look at Walker only to see him already looking at her.

He looked at her worriedly. "You okay?"

"I'm fine"

"My mom told me that when a girl says she's fine she's not"

"I'm just tired"

He rolled back over and rested on his elbows. His pink shirt was oversized and hung low on his shoulders, and she could see his collarbones.

Not that she was looking.

"Hey let's make a deal." He suggested. His eyes looked bright and Inez wondered how he had so much energy after sitting on the floor with her for and hour talking about math.

She raised her eyebrow. "What's the deal?"

He smiled, saying, "we do four more questions and then we make playlists for each other."

Ugh he knew her too well. She had been talking about how badly she wanted to make playlists for each other for days now.

She nodded and he smiled once again. This wasn't a normal smile though. This was a smirk, a "I'm up to no good" smirk.

She sat up and stared at him cautiously. "What is it Walker."

He then stood up and picked her up.

He picked her up. Like his arms went around her body and held her. Like her arms went around his neck. Like he made no comment about her weight or anything.

"Walker what are you doing?!" She asked, shocked.

"If we are going to do four more questions together you need energy, you need the blood to get back to your head" he responded, placing her gently on the bed.

Inez was sure her cheeks were rosy. I mean, no guy had ever picked her up before. It was the type of thing Lucy prayed would happen to her. "Unfortunately Walker there's not much in there."

He made no response and instead laid down next to her on the bed, turning his body so his upper half dangled from the side of the mattress.

He motioned for her to join him, and she carefully scooted her body closer to the edge. She then held onto the edge tightly and lowered herself down.

Walkers hair was pulled down by gravity and when she looked over his face was slightly pink. Seeing him like this was funny and she started laughing. It was contagious. Maybe it was the blood going to her head that made the whole situation funny, but both started laughing uncontrollably.

Inez's grip on the edge loosened while laughing and her body fell backwards and onto the floor. By this point Walker was laughing crying.

He was still upside down and his face was a darker pink. He kept on holding on until eventually he couldn't and he collapsed on the floor next to her.

Well now Inez definitely had more energy. Inez was leaned up against the side of the bed and when Walker fell, he fell on top of her legs. His body was sprawled out, shaking from laughter.

His face had nearly returned to its normal color, and was now a light pink on his cheeks.

His back was on her lap and his head dangled off of her right leg.

"Ready to do some math" he said, like it was the most exciting thing in the world.

"Mhm I'm so excited" she responded sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She played with a piece of his hair, curling it around her finger and then letting it go, then repeating the process.

He moved the papers with the questions on them closer to him with his foot, keeping his body in the same place.

"Okay you can do this let's go."

A/n I know I already made a playlist hit low what are some songs that remind you of Inez or Walker

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