~rock bottom~

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"If you dont get in, it's not the end of the world" my mom repeated like she did for every role.

I hate this part.
The part where I have to wait to see if I got in.

My nervous habit starts up again and I tap my fingers against the cool surface of my kitchen counter. I gaze out the window, looking out at our backyard. The sunlight peeked through the trees, creating patterns of shadows along the grass. I let out a sigh and lean my head up against my hand.

"We still have five more minutes until it's released what do you want to do?" My mom says, obviously trying to distract me from my worries.

"Sooo...how's school?" She says awkwardly.

School actually hasn't been bad. I have a stable friend group and decent grades if you ignore my math. Though I suppose if I get into this role I'll have to get a tutor or be homeschooled.

"Schools fine" I reply

Mom opens the fridge and pulls out our favorite snack: strawberries

"Any new drama?" She says while taking down the biggest strawberry I've ever seen.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, Maddie was talking shit about Emma and her friend Stacy for no reason, saying that Emma does everything Stacy does and follows her around" I say while taking a bite of a strawberry.
"Honestly it's true but you don't say it out loud and tell everyone y'know? Anyways Emma and Stacy found out and they reported her and she got in so much trouble"

For some reason my school had so much drama.

"Jeez Maddie talking shit again" mom says.

"I know right like no one cares" I laugh.

My mom had managed to distract me for six minutes and I clicked on the email and looked away, too scared. If I didn't get this role...I mean, sure I'd live but this would sure help a lot. All I needed was one movie or show, anything I could get to prove my talent. That I was good enough to be up there with the others.

I'd had this dream since I was a kid, after being told by my aunts and uncles in charades that I was a talented actress, I suppose it just planted this seed in my head. I wanted to act, to film, to do anything related to movies. I spent some of my free time looking at movie reveiws and watching actors and actresses best scenes, figuring out what had made them so famous. All it took them was one or two films before the community saw their talent. Thats exactly what I need.

I heard my mom scream.


omg Jesus's saggy balls is this real.

I opened my eyes and saw the email. We are pleased to inform you...

I am freaking out. My first role. My dream since I was young. I got it. I did it. Me.

I scrolled down through the email seeing if they sent any additional information. As I'm looking I see some of the people I will be working with. I was playing one of the leads in a new horror called "One Eye Open"

There are four main characters: Freddy, played by Javan Walton, Olivia played by Inez Garfa (me), Will, played by Luis Partridge and Tommy, played by Walker Scobell.

Walker Scobell.

He got the role that I wanted. Live and let be though, right?

I watched the movie when it came out. It's what made him famous, it's what launched his career.

It was supposed to launch mine.

"Why so serious?" Mom interrupts my thinking. "I thought you would be more excited?"

"Oh no I'm really excited!" I say plastering a smile on my face.

Mom takes a look at me questionably and then turns and grabs chocolate from the drawer.
"Wellll...chocolate covered strawberries?" Mom offers, a wide grin already set on her face.

"Yep" I say excitedly, popping my "p"

I wiggle in my seat as mom heats up the chocolate to drizzle over. I push my worries aside about meeting new people- especially Walker Scobell and hum my favorite song, Les, by Childish Gambino.

Mom slides me the cutting board and I start slicing the strawberries- not before washing them though.

"The email said we leave in two weeks, we should go shopping for some more clothes to pack. You'll be in California so I guess more tank tops."

I love shopping.

Mom takes out the chocolate and we grab spoons and start drizzling and dipping the strawberries in.

"The kids look around your age maybe you could ask them for help with math" she says, giving me a pointed look.

"I'm not that bad" I protest. That's a lie. I'm god awful at math. Stuff just doesn't process the same like it does for other people in my grade.

We call my little brother Henry down. I almost feel bad for Henry. He doesn't exactly have the same relationship that I do with mom. Then I remember how much of an ass he is and forget all about feeling bad.

"So your sister got an acting role and-" mom starts.

"Finally" Henry interrupts "I thought that was never gonna happen"

I rolled my eyes.

"Who are ya gonna be with" he says completely ignoring mom and reaching for my laptop. "Oh I know some of these!"

Henry then proceeds to look them up on my laptop.
"Look! Walker is the same age as you!" He shouts acting as if mom and I are 80 year old grandpas that have hearing aids.


I give him a blank stare. "Your not funny. I don't know how you have friends" Henry still hasn't grown out of his cringe phase and thinks calling everyone a furry is the funniest thing to exist.

"I'm gonna go text my friends about this I'll be back down once the strawberries cool" I say.

"You have friends?" Henry says. Inhale and exhale. Walker can't be worse than Henry, I mean Henry's rock bottom.

I hope.

I have never written a story before so bear with me yall

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now