~atomic bombs bring us together~

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WALKER AND INEZ had been going to see sunsets and sunrises when they could. It became their little routine. They never spoke it, but it was a mutual understanding. Both kept it their secret, and both made excuses to where they went at 5:00 am and 5:00 pm. They sat there on the beach talking about everything and nothing. They perfected their secret language and discussed favorite shows and movies together.

The cast had their suspicions, some more crazy than others, but no one guessed they went to the beach to see the sky together.

Javon came up with this idea during filming that they should watch movies together as a cast. They would watch a few kids movies with Lucy and then they would watch their own movies without her.

As they walked out of set, they discussed what they should watch with Lucy.

"Tangled for sure" Inez said.

Javon nodded in agreement. "Tangled is great but also the princess and the frog is incredible"

The two looked at Luis and Walker for their opinions.

"Both sound amazing" Luis said, staying neutral.

Javon and Inez groaned. "Just pick one!"

"Tangled sounds good, I think Leena likes that movie" Walker answered.

"Okay Tangled it is" Inez said, secretly happy that her option won.

"Hmm 5pm works fine...? No prior arrangements?" Javon said loudly.

Inez had heard the casts crazy theories to where Walker and Inez had been disappearing and so far Javon had the craziest ideas.

She heard him say that they were secretly dating, or they were secretly spies and they gave information to the CIA at 5:00 am and 5:00 pm.

"No prior arrangements" Walker confirmed, giving Inez a secret smile.


They all piled on Javons bed and switched to Disney plus. Lucy laid on top of Luis and Javon was snuggled right next to Luis as well. I was squished between Javon and Walker, with Walker going as close to me as he could so he didn't fall off of the bed.

Ever since the phone call with my friends, there has been this tiny voice in my head saying things that don't make sense.

He's so close because he wants to be next to you, not because he doesn't want to fall off of the bed.

God I was turning crazy.

"You smell good" I said to Walker.

"Thanks, I shower" Walker replied.

Lucy had a look of disgust on her face when she said, "Speaking of showers, Javon when was the last time you had one?"

"Literally today you rat."

Inez could faintly hear Lucy mutter "Sure doesn't smell like it."

Inez clicked on the movie and Tangled started playing.

She sighed. "I love Flynn Rider"

"You're into brunettes?" Walker frowned.

"I don't really have a type, I have standards" she replied.

"I have a type." Lucy says. She found Javons candy stash and was eating sour patch kids.

"How'd you find those?!" Javon exclaimed.

"They were in your nightstand Javon. Get more creative." Lucy scoffed.

Luis was completely focused on the film and what was going on.

"So what is your type?" Inez asked the 10 year old girl.

"6'4, muscular, fashionable, and rich." Lucy said matter if factly.

Inez nodded respectfully but Walker questioned Lucy. "You mean to tell me you're into like, 30 year old men?"

"And what about it?" Lucy said snarkily.

He quickly shook his head. "Nothing."

The group focused back on the film. As the scenes played, Inez noticed that Walker was slowly inching even closer towards her. He gently put his arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Friends?" The voice said.

Inez didn't push him off. Instead she decided to not say anything, and leave his head on her shoulder. Slowly, carefully, she decided to push her hands in his hair. She didn't want to ruin his curls but he didn't seem to mind.

The tension, the bated breaths escaped the rest of the groups notice. The only thing that broke the silence was when Javon farted.

"Let it rip man." Was all Luis said in response.

Lucy was over exaggerating everything and holding her nose and whining.

Inez turned her head into Walkers shirt, trying to escape the terrible smell. He dug his head even further into her shoulder.

She heard Javon snap a photo and giggle.

"Yo did you just giggle?" Walker said, finally resurfacing from her shoulder.

"No hate" Javon replied.

"I think we get to hate when you just let out an atomic bomb on us" Inez said.

Lucy was still busy coughing and gagging. Inez stayed tucked into Walkers chest and both stayed carefully where they were. She was scared if she made any sudden movements, he would move away, and frankly, she didn't want that.

She...enjoyed his touch and his warmth that he provided.

But that didn't mean she liked him like that.

The movie progressed and Inez could feel Walkers heartbeat speed up at certain parts, or when he let out a small gasp at scenes, his chest would rise a little and she would smile.

••Javon POV••

Everyone knows they're dating. At least, everyone thinks it. I know for sure Walker ain't that touchy with me, trust me I would know and thank god it hasn't happened to me.

I knew from the moment when we entered the hotel and Walker started blushing that they would get together. Didn't expect it to be so quickly but who am I to stop true love?

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now