
2.9K 90 75

A/n in honor of 10k (WHICH IS CRAZY THANK YOU SM) I will be doing Walkers POV


I WOKE UP WITH INEZ. My arm was around her and sometime during the night her body had turned and faced me. He head was cradled in my neck and I was trying hard not to start hyperventilating and wake her up.

I'm sure my face was bright red, and if she woke up right now, she could probably tell I had a crush on her.

I don't know if she can tell really. I mean it wasn't  exactly love at first sight, I didn't know I would like her like this, I just knew she was gonna be special to me.

I don't know if I'm special to her.

For now, I enjoy the moment and tighten my grip on her waist.

For some reason her bed was far comfier than mine. I peek my head up and glance at her nightstand, which has a tiny blue clock on it.

Shit I can't read clocks.

I know there is something with the tiny hand and the big hand but I always get them confused. It is either 6:00 am or 10:00 am.

I look out the window to see how much light is in the sky and use my guessing skills.

Well it's either 6:00 am or 10:00 am.

I could reach for my phone and see, but risking waking Inez up is too dangerous. Speaking of Inez she looks beautiful. The lip mask she put on last night really worked because her lips were looking hydrated.

Not that I'm only staring at her lips. She has this sort of graceful look about her. Of course she definitely doesn't act graceful, but the way her hair falls and the peaceful look on her face that she has when she sleeps gives her this glow.

I wouldn't be surprised if she told me she secretly was an angel.

Her lashes are long and I suppose it's due to the lash serum she told me about one day.

I lean my face in closer and see she has the light freckles scattered over her skin, spreading across her cheeks and nose, some on her chin and forehead too.

I feel her moving around and quickly shut my eyes and lay still. I don't really know why I do it, I just don't want to wake her up even more, or worse, have her kick me out to my own room.

I feel her sigh lightly on my chest, and I have to keep myself from smiling. Her grip tightens on my sweatshirt and the neckline of it gets pulled down a little.

She buries her face in the fabric once again and scoots in even closer.

I fake a yawn and pretend to just be waking up. I glance down to see her look up at me.

She's so pretty.

"Do you know what time it is?" I say. I'm sure my hair was crazy, and I try patting it down a little for her.

She points to the clock on her nightstand. I wait a little longer, hoping she tells me the time so I don't have to embarrass myself. I stare at her blankly, praying that she says if it's 6:00 am or 10:00 am.

"Walker...you know how to read a clock right?" She says while raising an eyebrow.

Crap she's caught on fast.

I nod in what I hope is a convincing way. "Um definitely"

I don't think it was all that convincing because she gave me a look.

She clears her throat, and gives me the same look my mom did when I stole my brothers video game and told her I didn't. She didn't believe me. "What time is it then?"

I let out a little chuckle. "Time for you to get a-"

"Walker what time is it."


I don't think I got it right because her jaw dropped a little and her eyes widened slightly.

"Walker it's 8 am"

Shit I was that off?

I nodded firmly. "I knew that, I just wanted to see if you knew that"

She sits up, and her warmth suddenly leaves my body. She leans over to grab her clock and her butt is right in my face. I look away of course, I'm not perverted.

She faces her body towards mine and yanks me up by my sweatshirt hoodie. I rub my eyes and lean back on my palms, looking at Inez to see what she was doing.

She let out a deep sigh before speaking. "Okay so the short hand is the hour hand, and any number that its pointing to tells you the first number. The long hand is the minute hand, which tells you how many minutes are after that number. They go by increments of five, so if the minute hand was pointing to the 4, how many minutes would that be?"

I stare down at my fingers and count. "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty...Twenty!"

She gapes at me. "You were just telling me that calculating the circumference of a circle was basic and easy, and I was supposed to learn it years ago, but you can't even read a clock and you count on your fingers!?"

I guiltily look away. "Is it twenty?"

She puts her hand on her hip. God she even looks pretty when she's angry.

"If the minute hand is facing 7, and the hour hand is facing 2, what time would it be Walker?" She says.

I had to think about it for a minute but I got it. "Uh it would be 2:40"

"2:35, but closer than your last guess"

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now