I'm Pregnant?!

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Zee and Nunew have been in love for almost a year. One day Nunew felt sick. Nunew then threw up. Zee went to the bathroom where Nu was vomiting.

"Are you ok Nu?"


"I'll arrange a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow"

"Thanks Hia."

Zee then left to go to work. Nu called Nat and had him come over. When Nat arrived Nu talked about his symptoms and Nat was looking at him in shock.

"Nat, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nunew, I think..."


"You might be PREGNANT."

"What?!! I can't possibly be pregnant!"

Nat sighed and handed Nunew a pregnancy test.

"Nunew, I want you to take this pregnancy test to be sure." 

"Ok Nat." Nunew was unsure of this. He didn't think he was pregnant. But just like Nat said he had to take it to make sure.

After Nu took the pregnancy test he was looking at the test in shock.

"I'm Pregnant?!"

ZeeNunew Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now