P52- A little fight

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Mira and Vergil were greeted by Laxus as they discussed recent events that had unfolded. The trio walked away from the guildhall to the bustling streets as they conversed.

"I heard about the magic council," Laxus mentioned, and Vergil nodded in acknowledgment.

"It was unfortunate, but I won't lose sleep over it," Vergil replied, and Laxus smirked.

"That's the spirit! Isn't it great? Now you won't have to keep hunting devils and doing their dirty work for them," Laxus said, and Vergil nodded in agreement.

"For now, at least," Vergil added.

"So when were you going to tell me?" Laxus inquired, and the couple looked puzzled.

"Oh come on, don't play dumb," Laxus continued, with a smile forming on his face.

Mira and Vergil exchanged glances before looking back at Laxus, and they sighed. "Who told you?" Mira asked, annoyed, as Laxus smirked.

"That illusion magic ain't gonna work one bit against me, Mira," Laxus said, rubbing the sore spot on his head where Mira had hit him.

"Shut it! Not so loud, we're in public," Mira scolded him, drawing the attention of some people who gave them odd looks.

"Even for a pregnant woman, you still hit hard," Laxus teased, and Mira playfully hit him again.

"To be fair, you asked for it," Vergil chimed in, and Mira huffed in agreement.

"How many months left?" Laxus asked, now changing the topic.

"About six. Let's just pray nothing happens before then," Vergil replied, and Mira nodded in agreement.

Laxus then revealed he had returned to talk with them about something related to Fairy Tail, but before he could continue, he got tackled from behind by Lancia, who wrapped her arms around him.

"Laxi-nii! You're back!" Lancia exclaimed happily. Laxus smiled and picked her up, tossing her into the air before catching her.

"Well, if it isn't the squirt!" Laxus said, earning a pout from Lancia as she playfully hit him.

"I'm almost taller than Mira!" Lancia said proudly, and Laxus laughed while Mira teased, "Almost being the key word."

"You didn't tell me you were going to be back so soon," Lancia said to her older brother, and Laxus chuckled.

"Yeah, I was doing a lot of work, so I forgot to tell you," Laxus explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

Vergil then chimed in, "I believe I know what he was preparing for..." Laxus's expression turned from happy to shocked and fearful in an instant.

"The Fantasia parade. You must have been helping Master get the things for it, correct?" Vergil asked knowingly.

"Yeah..." Laxus admitted, feeling relieved.

Lancia then excitedly dragged Laxus, promising to show him around their new guild hall and catch up with him. Laxus turned back to Mira and Vergil, promising to talk with them later before following Lancia to Fairy Tail.

In South Gate Park, Jet, Droy, and Levy stood before Gajeel, having taken him there after the fight at Fairy Tail.

"Why did you bring me here? I wanted to go do a job," Gajeel complained, but his words fell on angry ears.

"A job?" Jet said, his anger evident.

"You're the guy who destroyed the guild! You've got no right to do a job!" Droy yelled, his voice filled with resentment towards Gajeel.

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