Crimson Ties Chapter 5

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I pushed my way through the crowd, walking towards my father. I needed a moment to collect myself before facing my father's relentless interrogation. I approached the bar, feeling the cool, smooth wood against my back as I leaned against it, taking a sip of my scotch.

The rich flavour danced across my tongue. As the fiery liquid coursed through my veins, my eyes were drawn to her, engrossed in conversation with her mother across the room. A playful smirk crept onto my face as I observed her, captivated by her every movement and gesture.

But my father's voice shattered the spell, cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "What do you think? She possesses beauty, and intelligence, and hails from a respectable family."

My gaze remained fixed on Amara, my mind swirling with a torrent of thoughts. I yearned to explore the enigma that was her, to peel back the layers and uncover the depths of her soul. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to share these musings with my father. Instead, I chose silence, taking another sip of my scotch, and allowing the amber liquid to drown out the words I wished to keep hidden.

My father's tone grew more insistent, the weight of his expectations pressing heavily upon me. "Leo, it is crucial that you settle down soon. Our family's reputation and legacy depend on it. Amara would make a suitable match."

Still, I remained silent, my eyes fixated on her, my thoughts consumed by the possibilities that lay before me. I couldn't disregard my responsibilities entirely.

"Father," I finally spoke, my voice steady yet tinged with determination, "I would prefer to get to know Amara on my own terms. I'll think about it."

My father's disappointment and frustration were palpable, etched upon his features. He had hoped for compliance, for me to follow his paved path. But I was not one to conform, my spirit was forged in the fires of independence.

Stepping away from the bar, I made my intentions clear. " I would love to meet her someday," My eyes found hers. Deep. Brown. Chocolate. She smiled at me just the slightest I couldn't decipher what kind of a smile that was. "Just the two of us." 

Without waiting for his response, I strode towards the exit, the echoes of my footsteps resounding through the grandeur of the hotel lobby. As I approached my sleek, black car parked at the curb, a surge of excitement coursed through me. I slid into the driver's seat, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, as I left the opulent world behind.

As the engine roared to life, I drove away from the confines of societal expectations, relishing the freedom that enveloped me.


I stepped into the dimly lit basement, the stench of dampness and decay filling my nostrils. The soft glow of a single bulb illuminated the space, casting sinister shadows on the brick walls. This was my domain, a place where secrets were kept, and debts were settled.

The man before me, tied to a rusty chair, trembled as he met my gaze. Fear danced in his eyes, and he knew he had crossed a line he could never come back from. He had given our rivals valuable information that jeopardized everything I had worked so hard to build.

I lit a cigarette, the smoke curling around my fingers as I took a long drag. The man tried to speak, but I silenced him with a cold stare. Words were meaningless now; his actions spoke louder than anything he could utter.

"Missed me Tyler?" I finally spoke, my voice low and venomous. He kept shaking his head. "Cute."  I stretched the gloves out as I slid my hands into them.

Without another word, I advanced towards him, my steps measured and deliberate. I reached for the tools meticulously laid out on the table, each instrument carefully chosen for the pain it could inflict.

His eyes widened in terror as he saw the glint of metal, the realization of his fate sinking in. But I had no mercy for traitors, no room for forgiveness. My grip tightened around the scalpel as I pressed it against his skin, and a sickening smile played on my lips as he winced in pain.

"Pl...ease- Don't this-" He screamed once again as I dug the scalpel deeper. A devilish smile crept. I stared at his half-dead body. I am not a man who would finish a person off if they have broken any deal or broken my trust or anything to get on my nerve. I torture them day by day. I dig the knife deeper as every drop of their blood is drained out of their body. They don't just get to die by a gun or knife or anything they die every day. I torture them till they don't have any life remaining in them. Till they beg me to kill them.

The hours that followed were a symphony of agony and desperation, his screams echoing in the darkness as I unleashed my fury upon him. The room became a canvas of suffering, and I took pleasure in each stroke, each cut that painted it crimson.

I made sure the pain was prolonged, that he would remember this day for the rest of his miserable life. But eventually, even the most resilient of men succumbed to their injuries. He slumped in the chair, his breaths shallow and ragged, his body a canvas of bruises and blood.

As I wiped the blade clean, I could feel a strange sense of satisfaction wash over me. Justice had been served, and my retribution exacted. He would carry the scars of his betrayal forever, a constant reminder of the consequences that came with crossing me.

" are your kids? I'm sure they would love to see their Dad. Am I right?" I asked, smiling at him.

"No... ple... please not my- kids...I beg you...Kill me just- ki... kill me- me." Tears were streaming down and it dropped on the floor next to the pool of his own blood with a splash.


"Do you really think it will be that easy? You should know better Tyler. You were the one who used to help me with torture and yet here we are. Fate? Destiny? Huh? Whatever so," I continued taking a step closer to him leaning forward till he backs away, "You will beg Tyler. Beg. On your fucking knees." I untied him as he thumped to the floor with a loud thud. He was trying to move but was failing. In pain. He was suffering. He finally was on his knees his hands touching my shoes as he cried and begged. "Please... I beg- beg you. Not my kids or my wife. My family is my everything. Please." He begged.

"Get off.  Don't ruin yourself for your family. Do you think they actually care about you? They don't. No one does but if you insist I won't do anything to your family." His shoulders dropped down as he fell to the ground. His face looked relieved. And then.

"No promises."

I left him there, the dim light casting haunting shadows over his broken form, and made my way back to my room.


 I took a long, hot shower, letting the water wash away the remnants of blood and violence from my skin. The steam enveloped me, and for a moment, I felt a semblance of peace.

But as I lay in bed, the events of the day replayed in my mind. The meeting with my people, the façade I maintained during lunch with my family and Amara. 

Her eyes were different. They didn't hold anything. Nothing. They were empty and all I saw was something I couldn't decipher. Her tattoo. A Celtic knot. It means sisterhood. It symbolises sisterhood but as far as I know, she is an only child. The only heir to the Romano throne.

Her hair, eyes, lips, that dress. Everything. I tried to push all thoughts away. Torture, family, my father, her. All of it.

Tomorrow would be a new day, and the game would continue. For now, I allowed myself to drift into the abyss of sleep, knowing that when I woke, I would once again don the mask of Leo Moretti, the enigmatic leader of the mafia—a man driven by power, vengeance, and the secrets that lay buried in the shadows.


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