Key To My Heart- Chapter Three...Boring Typical Day

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I'm not from America so if there are non-American terms...please forgive me :)x


The past week in Hogwarts was great. The castle was just magnificent, the portraits, the ghosts and the moving staircases. The classes were great and the professors were okay. One of the classes I hated was Defense Against the Dark Arts. In BlackRose, that was one of my favourite classes but here in Hogwarts, it was a complete joke. The small toad-like professor insisted that we were better off with theory, and that we wouldn't be doing any practical work. She had explained that it was "ministry approved", whatever that was. Umbridge had a big row with Harry whether the dark wizard "Voldemort" was back or not.

Apart from that, the classes were really good. DWM (Defense without Magic) was a really good class because there, it was all practical. Well, we never used our wands or quills. We just learned some karate moves (it was traditional for BlackRose). It was highly amusing watching Draco try to do a high kick.

While on the subject of Draco, I wished that I picked a decent partner/guide. Draco was getting on my nerves, all he ever did was boast about his mansion in Wiltshire, his riches and how pure his blood was. Cocky much? Even Draco's friends, Crabbe and Goyle, seemed to be more delightful to be around. They acted like gentlemen around me, unlike Draco who burped around whenever he felt like it.

Cristine and Haylee still bugged me about Draco, saying that we would be a cute couple...sometimes I couldn't help but think that too, even though the thought was completely ridiculous. Victoria though, had been bad mouthing Draco ever since that Potions class. He had offended Victoria...and you wouldn't want to offend her.

Harry, Ron and Hermione turned out to be really nice people (despite what Draco had said). We learnt that "Voldemort" or "You-Know-Who" had killed his parents and he had tried to kill Harry but Harry somehow survived and he was only a baby. That was why Harry was famous and why he had the lightning bolt shaped scar. Ron had 5 big brothers and a little sister. They were a big family and lived in "The Burrow".

George Weasley (one of Ron's brothers) was Haylee's guide, Ron was Victoria's and Cristine's guide was Harry.They were all very lucky.

"What does C&M even stand for?" Draco asked biting into his toast. He had been annoying me with stupid questions all morning.

"Culture and Mannerism." I sighed irritably.

Professor Abel had gone over this last week.

"And tell me what is the purpose of this class?" Draco questioned mockingly.

"Weren't you listening last week?" I hissed angrily.

Draco chuckled, "No. But enlighten me."

"Bog off! You're just doing this to annoy me."

I slid away from Draco and continued to eat my breakfast. Draco just smirked and slid back beside me.

"Will you-"

"Hey guys!"

Haylee had decided to sit with us now. She was only doing this so she could bug me later on about how "cute" we were. Bleugh!

"Sod off half-blood-"

"Draco!" I snapped angrily.

"Oh, it's okay Aubrey." Haylee chuckled.

She leaned in while Draco wasn't looking and whispered. "I heard that we were going to be dancing in C&M today."

I choked on my cereal and looked up at Haylee laughing.

Key To My Heart (Draco Malfoy Romance) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now