Key To My Heart- Chapter Four... Mothers, more fragile than you think.

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I sat in the library with my head on the desk and books scattered all over the table. We had essays to be done...loads of essays. I was starting to feel the pressure of the O.W.Ls, even though it was months away. The amount of homework we got each day was alarming, I hadn't even gotten one bit of homework done, never mind a free night.

I flipped the page over and sighed, Snape made me do my moonstone essay again because I hadn't done enough previously. I had an essay for Herbology (the name of all the fertilisers in the world), C&M, Transfiguration (practice changing a table in a pig), Charms (practice summoning charms), Divination (the Dream Oracle), Astrology and Potions again (the uses of Dragon blood).

I groaned and held my head at the thought of all that homework.

"Need help? I've already done my Potions and Charms homework."

I lazily looked up and saw Draco. He smirked and sat down beside me.

"Look, If you're here to annoy me, just go. I'm too tired to bother with your-"

"Calm down. I'm here to help, you're stressing and-"

"Okay you two. Out! It's late so you both better get to your beds." Madam Pince said sternly.

"But, I've got three essays due tomorrow and I haven't even done them!" I hissed pleadingly.

Madam Pince just made a face and ushered us out. I grabbed my books and bag and left with Draco by my side.

"Here, let me take some books." Draco said softly.

I smiled gratefully at him as I gave him the books.

"Thanks. But I don't know how I'm supposed to get the two Potions essays done and the Dream Oracle." I said panicking.

Draco just smirked.

"Here, I know where we could finish your essay." He said.

I raised my brow at him, bemused. "Where?"

"Follow me."

"Isn't this place a little cold?" I asked shivering slightly.

We were inside a cold, unused room in the dungeon.


Draco took off his cloak and gave it to me. I smiled and put it on.

"'re getting nicer and politer now." I chuckled.

Draco raised his brow at me, "Really now?"

I just giggled and rolled my eyes.

"So...we could start off with the moonstone essay. I know what to do... here..."

Draco grabbed a quill and he started writing down on my essay.

"Don't you think Snape will notice?" I said sceptically.

Draco shrugged.

I yawned and watched Draco write some more.

"You know that this really isn't helping. You're just doing my essay for me." I said.

Draco just chuckled and looked at me with his soft grey eyes.

"I figured that if I did it, It'd get done more faster."

"You're saying I'm slow, aren't you?"


I laughed and smacked the back of Draco's head.

"That was sore!"

"You deserve it and- AGH!"

I screamed as I fell off my chair and landed on the dusty floor with a thud.

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