Chapter 4- How to Topple A Reputation

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Lilith stormed into her castle, feeling defeated.

Once Sandra had gained consciousness, she yelled at Lilith to leave her school immediately.

This made Lilith feel embarrassed.

"I don't care if you're the freaking Queen, you've got the balance of a one footed brainless mango eating monkey!" She hurled from her position on the floor. Then she moaned out in pain. "I may have to retire early. Thanks a lot, you clumsy twit."

All of her students laughed, leading Lilith to experience further embarrassment.

It was not a good day.

Perhaps Hermes was having a better day.

It sucks that he's insane and does everything right, while I'm the sane one and can't do anything right. That's so not fair.

Lilith went straight for her bedroom.

I can't possibly mess up in my sleep, right? Lilith thought to herself.

After changing into her night clothes and doing other things that one usually does before going to sleep, she finally went towards her bed and fell into it, without a care in the world. OK, maybe she did have a few cares on her mind. But sleep would fix all that!

However, it was difficult for Lilith to fall into a deep slumber.

Worries lingered on her mind, such as the fate of her kingdom, Primadonna. Astoria would take over. Maybe. That is if she didn't marry their dang coldhearted prince!

Though there was one thing that confused her.

If Jason couldn't stand the sight of her, then why was he threatening war if they didn't marry? It didn't make any sense!

Lilith pushed the confusing thought away and eventually managed to drift to sleep.


"Rise and shine, my Queen!"

Lilith's eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it?"

"Way past noon, if you're wondering!" The maid said, cheerfully. She was cleaning Lilith's drawer.

"Are you sure you're fit to be the Queen?" The maid wondered, her voice going from cheerful to sour real quick. "It seems like you can't even get up early."

"Do you want to be fired?"

"Of course not, honey." She said, dusting the drawer. "Don't you even dare think of firing me."

"And why not, huh?"

The maid's grim face became lively.

"You could do it if you want bad press. I can just imagine the headline now. 'Psycho Queen fires the maid. Who's next?'"

"Ugh, whatever," Lilith said, drearily. She has a point! "I'm going to get ready so if you could kindly leave..."

The maid nodded, and exited her chambers.

Lilith was so not looking forward to begin the day.

Or part of the day, since she missed out on a large chunk of it.

But morning was overrated anyways, wasn't it?

Of course it was!


Lilith was sitting on her throne, reading a book, when all of a sudden someone snatched the book out of her hand, and threw it across the room.

"Hey! I was reading that!" Lilith complained. Also, you really gotta stop throwing my books all over the place! Lilith wanted to scream. I have a bookshelf, you know.

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