First time

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It was springtime on Planet Vegeta. All around saiyans were swooning over other saiyans, and most were mating in the most random of places. A tall, bearded saiyan tugs another away from everyone else around them. He takes the younger saiyan and pushes him up against the wall of a building. The younger saiyan leans up and kisses the older saiyan passionately, giggling softly at the feeling of the beard on his cleanly shaven face.

The older saiyan tugged gently at a spike of hair sticking out from all sides of the younger one's hair. The younger saiyan stopped kissing the older one and let out a low but audible growl from his throat.

"Do not growl at me low class." The younger saiyan nodded and flicked his tail around the older ones legs. He admired the older man's body, even if he was still fully dressed. You could see every indent of the muscles of his body, and that made the younger saiyan blush.

The older saiyan quickly removed his armor, as well as the younger ones. Apparently they were both equally in a rush to do this. The older saiyan leaned down and kissed the younger ones neck, his beard tickling his neck the entire time.

"Please stop teasing me." The younger one whined. "I... I need it." The younger one rubbed his legs together impatiently and flicked his tail around. The older smirked at the young low class's beg for sex.

"But teasing is half the fun." The older reached down the younger one's pants, and the young one flinched and squeezed his eyes shut. The gloved hand began caressing the, becoming erect member, making the older man smile and chuckle. "You're already getting hard, so feel free to explain to me why I should stop?"

"I really need it. I haven't had a mating with a real person yet."

"Oh?" The older man chimed in. "You're a first timer?"

"Yeah. My birthday was yesterday..." The younger saiyan blushed at the fact that this man had probably mated so many times before.

"Well don't worry. I'll be gentle with you, I was young once as well."

The older saiyan quickly got rid of the pants of the younger one and tossed them aside. The younger saiyan blushed furiously and closed his legs. Suddenly feeling self conscious he even slid his tail over his erect member and looked at the ground. The older saiyan chuckled.

"There's nothing to be scared or embarrassed about." He opened the younger ones legs and grinned. "It's the same for me too." The older man took off his own pants and let them drop to the ground. The younger saiyan looked up and tried to see the older man's face. It was becoming dark, meaning the day for mating was almost done.

Even though he had seen the older man's face before he could not remember it at all. He had a beard, and a scowling look to his face, that was all he could remember. "Hey. I asked you a question!" The younger saiyan jumped at the deep voice of the older man. "What's your name?"

"M- my name? It's Kakkarot..."

"Kakkarot..." Hearing his name come off the older mans tongue was like heaven. The younger saiyan purred at the sound of someone saying his name so softly to him. Around his house his father and brother were constantly yelling his name, he was almost the pushover in the house sometimes, if not for the fact he was almost stronger than his own father, and much stronger than his brother.

Kakkarot flicked his tail excitedly and wrapped his arms around the older one's neck. "Will you please fuck me now?" The older man was caught off guard by the young one's language and chuckled.

"Since you asked so nicely." He pushed Kakkarot's legs up by his sides and touched a finger to the tip of Kakkarot's entrance. "So you are able to..."

"Able to what?" Kakkarot's heart raced. Was something wrong? Was there a problem? Would he not be able to have sex? Never know what it was like? Panic struck through him and he breathed a bit heavier.

"Well your entrance is soaked. Only those able to birth experience this."

"Is that bad?" Kakkarot heard a low chuckled.

"No. It's not, but if you do get pregnant-" Kakkarot felt the tip of the older man's cock start to bury itself inside him. "Do give me a call." Kakkarot gripped at the wall behind him and took in a sharp breath. A low moan escaped his lips as he felt the entire member began pushing itself in and pulling out.

Kakkarot wrapped his arms around the older man for leverage and moaned with pleasure. Being new at this, he had never experienced such an amazing feeling. His brother and father had never explained to him exactly what this would feel like. He found himself digging his finger nails into the back of the man's shoulder, he could feel the older man tense up as he began to pound into him harder.

The older man began pounding in, harder and harder, until the young man in front of him reached his climax, and he spilled out inside of Kakkarot. Both calmed down as the older man pulled out of him. Both of them laid down on the ground, and could hear their own hearts beating in their ears, and the heavy breathing of each other.

Kakkarot blushed and turned to give the other a kiss when he heard his name be called. The older man sprung to his feet and got dressed quickly.

"Hey, where are you heading?"

"I'm not supposed to be out here."

"Can I at least get your name?" The older man rushed out of the alleyway of the two buildings, and turned and smiled t the younger man. The brightness of the moon showed his very face. "Oh my god... I fucked-"

"Kakkarot!" Kakkarot spun around and looked at his brother and father. "Raditz... Bardock... I mean. Dad." Kakkarot scrambled to his feet.

"We've been looking all over for you. We all decided to meet up by the time the moon began to rise. Where-"

"Hey look at that son." Bardock interrupted Raditz. "He's got cum dripping down his leg." Kakkarot looked at his leg and blushed, quickly wiping it off and putting on his pants.

"Holy hell YOU got laid! So who was the guy. It obviously wasn't a girl, you never showed any interest."

"Well m'boy congrats, now do tell who fucked you." Kakkarot blushed and pulled on his shirt.

"It was the king... King Vegeta."

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