Finding Happiness (Finale)

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Kakkarot rolled over, hearing a loud beeping in his ears. He opened his eyes and sat up, looking at a small machine next to the bed beeping. He poked a button on it so it shut off. He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning." He jumped at the voice of King Vgeta's next to him. He looked over at him and smiled.

"Morning." Kakkarot laid next to him and curled up, wrapping his tail with his.

"Did you sleep well?" Kakkarot nodded. "Good. So did I."

"I actually haven't slept that well in a long time. Not ever since Raya-" Kakkarot's eyes shot open and he sat up. "I forgot!" He quickly got up and pulled his clothes on. King Vegeta sat up and watched him. "I didn't know what you'd do when I came and told you... I told my parents to leave if I didn't come back today." He glanced at King Vegeta. "I'm going to tell them what happened and I'll be back. You said they could move in right?" King Vegeta nodded. "Good... Thank you... I'll probably bring them back and when I'm back you can meet our daughter."

Kakkarot sprinted out of the room and down to the entrance, he opened the front doors and saw many people standing outside. "Huh?"

"It's him!"

"He's alive!"

"Where's the king?"

"Are the rumors true?"

Kakkarot looked at them all and backed up. "Uh. What?"

A woman stepped forwards. "You came here last night and had a discussion with the king. Everyone's aware you had a child not too long ago. Someone put two and two together. Kakkarot, were you the person the king was with on the last mating day, and is that child you produced both of yours?" Kakkarot backed up, scared.

"What's the truth?"

"Tell us!" Kakkarot whimpered as they continued to ask him a million questions at a time. He watched them begin to surround him when a guard ran over and put his hand on Kakkarot's chest, pushing him away from everyone then turning and yelling at everyone to go away. Everyone backed up slowly before leaving.

"Are you okay?" Kakkarot nodded.

"Thank you." He smiled and left the palace before they could talk again. He flew home quickly and bust into the room of his house. He saw his dad and Toma sitting around, both looked exhausted.

"Kakkarot?" Bardock looked at him and stood up. "You're back... And alive."

"Good." Toma stood up. "Now he can take care of his kid. She kept us awake all night. Where were you? Did you even visit the king or did you wimp out and try and look for your brother?"

"No... I went to the king." Kakkarot explained what happened at the palace and told them all that the king said. "So... He's taking her in as his own. And all of us can move in... I guess we should go pack now so we can move in as soon as we need to."

"I guess, that's the easier thing we can do..." Bardock muttered. "Thanks Toma for letting us stay here." Toma nodded.

"I'm sorry you can't move in with us Toma, I enjoy having you around."

"Well, it's nice to know you guys care."

"I'll come by and visit you another time..." Toma nodded and gave Kakkarot on the head.


Kakkarot walked into the palace, a few bags slung over his shoulder, holding Raya in his arms. Raya was looking around all excited about the new place.

"King Vegeta?" He asked into the palace, getting the sound of a shout in return from far away. "It's me! I'm here!" Bardock looked around, awestruck just as Kakkarot had been. "You like it here?" Bardock nodded. "Cool. I'm sure we can get you set up with a nice room." Bardock smiled as the king ran down.

"You're back quickly. I take it this is your parent?"

"He's the only family I have. My brothers missing, no idea about my mom.... No other siblings." King Vegeta nodded.

"And that kid is?"

"Raya." Kakarot handed Raya over to King Vegeta and smiled. "She's our kid."

"Heaven...." King Vegeta held her in his arms and smiled. "She's cute."

"She looks like my brother. Must be a family thing is all." King Vegeta nodded and smiled at Kakkarot.

"Let's get you two moved in. I'll get two extra rooms set up."


"If your brother ever shows up, and even if he doesn't Raya will need a room."

"Sounds good to me..."


"Planet Vegeta! I would like to introduce to you the new mate of our King Vegeta! His name, King Kakkarot!" Kakkarot and King Vegeta sat in the throne room as people walked over, bowing and accepting Kakkarot as their second king.

King Vegeta explained what happened with the child and everyone seemed very understanding, a low class not wanting the world to know he was mated to the king. Or the king not wanting anybody to know about him mating to a low class warrior.

Prince Vegeta sat next to his father with a tiny chair next to him holding Raya in it. People had brought what they could for the tiny princess, rattles, clothes, hairbrushes, and a few other things she could chew on and play with.

Kakkarot held King Vegeta's hand and smiled at him. "Are you happy?" King Vegeta nodded and squeezed Kakkarot's hand.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course." Kakkarot looked at everyone, feeling strange knowing if he had never come to tell the king about the child, he wouldn't be here. Everything would seem normal, and he'd still be a low class...


After all the saiyans had welcomes Kakkarot as their second king everything settled down, and Kakkarot put Raya down for an afternoon nap so she wasn't cranky. As he was laying her down Prince Vegeta walked in.

"I knew you were going to end up here somehow." Kakkarot looked at him funny. "You wouldn't have been here if not for that one year your brother tried bringing me home."

"Really?" Prince Vegeta nodded.

"I told my father about that, considering I'm not very into men he knew I'd have put your brother to death for trying that. You showed me mercy and had me set free."

"I've seen him bring people home before, I didn't want him to force you into anything..."

"Because I told my father about you, he seemed to take an interest in you. He's been looking into you since that day. I knew he was going to take you once you were of age."

"Well... If I had let my brother have his way with you I'd never have lived it down."

"You're still of low class blood... I hope you know I'm not accepting of this thing you have with my father."

"I didn't expect you to Vegeta. But I'm here, and I'm happy. Your fathers happy too. I know you'd be more miserable if my brother was here though, he'll probably grovel at your feet though as an apology. Through one mating, you've become brothers." Vegeta tensed up and growled, thrashing his tail around behind him. "Don't worry, if he shows up he'll probably just try and serve your for life."

"Well... For his sake he better hope he doesn't show his face around here at all." Prince Vegeta left quickly, and Kakkarot shook his head.

"For his sake I hope he doesn't..." King Vegeta walked in, walking up behind Kakkarot and hugging him.

"My son didn't do anything to you or Raya?"

"Just told me he doesn't approve of this whole thing is all..." Kakkarot shrugged. "It doesn't bother me, I didn't think he'd think any differently. But he won't hurt me." Kakkarot turned and kissed King Vegeta softly. "He did tell me though you had been looking after me since I save him from my dumb brother."

"Yes, other saiyans don't have that sort of softness to them. I found you very interesting. And I still do." Kakkarot smiled and kissed him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling his closer, kissing him deeper.

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