He has to know

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"I'd love to tell you who it is. Kakkarots heart skipped a beat and he covered his mouth. Bardock walked over and put his hand on Kakkarots shoulder. "But, they do not want their identity revealed. I confronted them once but from their reaction, they didn't want anyone to know. And because they are not pregnant, there's no reason."

Bardock turned the TV off and nodded. "There. Your secrets safe."

"I should tell him... He has to know I got pregnant and he has a daughter. If I don't tell him the guilt will kill me."

"Or he will kill you. Kakkarot you lied to the king... He will slay you." Kakkarot shook his head and stood up.

"Dad. Im going to tell him. If Im not home by tomorrow... Grab all you can, and my baby, and run." Kakkarot turned and rushed out of the house, and began flying towards the palace. He could hear his father and Toma screaming after him, but no luck... He was going to the palace.


Kakkarot landed in front of the palace doors, two guards standing outside. "What business have you here?" The smaller one asked. Kakkarot shuffled his feet.

"Im here to speak with the king. Its urgent."

"He's busy right now." No good, he had to get in somehow.

"Can I go in and wait for him to be done? Its important. Please I'll do anything to get in; I need to see him that badly." The two guards exchanged a look before allowing him to enter. Kakkarot rushed inside, awestruck by the inside of the palace. Chandeliers hung from the veiling, the windows were tinted just right so that color was let into the palace to light up the room. "Amazing..." Kakkarot gaped before he heard a door open. Jumping, Kakkarot spun around to face the prince.

"A low class." The prince grit his teeth. "Why did the guards let YOU in? what do you need?"

"I need to speak with your father immediately." Kakkarot bowed to the prince in the best way he could, considering he had no practice. "Its urgent, Im waiting for him to be done with his meeting. I mean no harm to anybody, please allow me to wait." Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Stand up low class. No need to strains yourself. My fathers finishing up a meeting, he should be done in a few moments. But just in case you're lying, Im going to keep my eye on you until he's done." Kakkarot stood and brushed himself off, looking around again. "Planning on stealing anything? Dont even think about it."

"Im not planning anything." Kakkarot snapped at the royal asshole. "I just need to speak to the king and once I'm done, I'll be leaving."

"I highly doubt that."

"Son." Kakkarot and Vegeta turned to look at the king, walking over to them. "Stand down. I know this saiyan." Vegeta nodded and left, but cast Kakkarot one more glare before leaving.

"King Vegeta." Kakkarot tensed. "I... I need to speak with you." The king stared at Kakkarot then sighed and shook his head.

"We have nothing to discuss. I'd rather not speak to liars." Kakkarot felt his body tense. King Vegeta, knew all along?

"You knew?" A nod. "I'm sorry I lied to you.... I didn't... I didn't want you to feel like you needed to be responsible for another child... She's a beauty though, looks like my brother so if you don't want to take responsibility, I understand and I'll tell people I didn't know who it was..." Kakkarot paused and thought. "How'd you find out?"

"I made the connection... You vomiting on my shoes was a set off first of all, after that I kept a close eye on you through other people. Your friends for example. They said you missed a lot of school and they saw you become heavier over time after mating season. Then when the bomb dropped on you, I checked your medical records. Not just yours but a lot of other peoples so I didn't seem suspicious. That's when I got the confirmation you were in fact carrying a child."

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