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"Hey Kakkarot watch out!" Kakkarot looked up and saw one of his friends diving straight towards him. He screamed and swam away as quickly as possible before his friend hit the water. Kakkarot laughed and shook his head.

"You're weird Appall! I thought we all agreed there'd be no jumping onto each other." Appall shrugged.

"I can't help it, you're just too vulnerable." Appall swam over to Kakkarot and dunked his head under the water. Kakkarot splashed around and grabbed Appalls tail, then popped his head up.

"Appall! That was not funny!" Kakkarot splashed him and began to swim away. Appall went under the water and swam after him, then grabbed him by his trousers and pulled them down. Kakkarot squealed, and turned around and covered his crotch. "No. Not right now." Appall stuck his head up out of the water.

"We used to do it all the time before mating day. Kakkarot rolled his eyes and punched him in the face.

"Whether we used to or not, is not the problem. It's about... Other things."

"Oh right. You're no longer the pure little Kakkarot. Everyone's talking about you getting pulled away into the darkness. Nobody knows who it was, but everyone's DYING to know."

"I'M NOT TELLING YOU." Kakkarot growled and got out of the water and sighed. He sat on the riverbank and curled his legs close to his chest. Rhubol walked over and sat next to him.

"Guys... You need to hear this." He set down a radio and turned it up.

"Again. Everyone must report to their houses IMMEDIENTLY. Another race is attacking us, and everyone must report home, or be ready to battle." Kakkarot bit his lip and stood up.

"My thoughts exactly. It's time we go home." They all got up and went their separate ways.

Kakkarot ran straight home, and when he got home he burst into the house. "Dad!" Bardock walked over, putting on his headband. "Dad don't go... I need you here."

"Sorry son. Raditz was called too. You weren't for some reason. Guess its because you have no battle experience. But you might be called to training." Bardock hugged Kakkarot.

"No no. You CAN'T go. At all. What if you're killed? What if you're captured?" Bardock laughed.

"Kakkarot you'll be fine, I promise you." Bardock let him go and patted his head. "Just stay inside, don't leave, and if you feel something... Wrong. Call the doctor." Bardock left and Kakkarot curled up.

"Oh god no... Don't die. Please don't die."

-A few weeks pass-

Kakkarot jumped as another loud boom shook the walls of his home. He closed his eyes and rubbed his slowly expanding stomach. "I'm glad you're a calm little baby so far... What will I call you though? I'd say name you after your father but that wouldn't work. Especially if you're a girl." Kakkarot chuckled, and another explosion outside snapped him from his calm moment. "God fucking damn it. How long is this shit going to last?"

Kakkarot got up and went to the kitchen and began making himself something to eat. "I hope dad's okay..." Kakkarot stared at his hand for a moment then chuckled. "What am I thinking? He fought Freiza. Of course he'll be okay. I know he will."

A banging on the door make him groan. He stood up and opened the door. "Yes?"

"You have to come with us. We're evacuating the area. Quickly quickly." Kakkarot blinked and left. The saiyan at the door led him away from the house. Something fell behind them and Kakkarot whimpered. The man put his hand on Kakkarot's back and led him away from everything. Kakkarot groaned and held his stomach, but continued to run.

"LOOK OUT!" Kakkarot looked up and saw a bomb, coming straight down towards them. He gasped and curled up, as his whole world went blank.

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