24. Toruk Makto

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Neteyam was sleeping, curled up on his side with Ao'nung glued to his back. He had been allowed to stay the night. Ao'nung was awake. Neteyam was snoring softly, lips parted and cheek mushed up against Ao'nung's arm that he was using as a pillow. He hadn't slept in two days. Ao'nung was slowly working on undoing his braids with his free hand, listening to Jake and his own father talking in hushed voices a little ways away. They knew he was listening; their hushed voices were to prevent Neteyam from waking up.

Tonowari had come to discuss matters with Jake first thing in the morning once the news reached him that Neteyam had surrendered his attackers' names. The Olo'eyktan stood in front of Jake, back straight, jaw tense. "Who are they?"

"He gave three names. He said the leader was Ulro-"

"Ulro!" Tonowari hissed in disappointment. "I cannot believe it."

Jake sighed tiredly. "Neteyam said the other two, Ftezey and Tsuizorì were not involved in the previous times. "

"I do remember Ftezey," Ronal announced her presence. "He was there when a knife was held to your son's throat for the first time. "

Tonowari hurried to his mate, face stricken with worry. Ronal's water had broken in the early morning, but the birth was not far along enough for the baby to arrive. "You should go home-"

"I stay. " Ronal left no room for argument, swatting her mate's hand away. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing heavily. "I have done this twice before. I know when it is time."

Neteyam groaned quietly and turned around, pressing his face into Ao'nung's chest. Jake watched them, holding his breath- he did not want to wake Neteyam. Not yet. Ao'nung gave a sheepish smile at the other's stare. He wrapped his arm around Neteyam's shoulder, stroking his back. Jake nodded.

"Toruk Makto," the Olo'eyktan's voice broke through the silence. He grasped Jake's shoulder. "These male are adult by the Metcayina way. I give you full freedom in their punishment. Whatever you decide to do, it is justified. "

Jake's sharp inhale did not go unnoticed by the ones in the room. "Surely, not everything is allowed."

Tonowari allowed a smile; it was bittersweet. "As long as you rest well at night and your actions do not haunt you, it is allowed."

Jake understood. "And my mate?"

"She is free to do as she pleases also. My daughter shall help you find these boys. All I ask is that you do not do what you need to do in front of her." At Tonowari's words, Jake nodded, breathing out a word of gratitude.

"I thank you, Olo'eyktan. "

"Call me Tonowari. Our lives, it appears, are merged now at once and for all of time-" He gestured towards their sons with a tilt of his head.

Jake watched his son as he cuddled close to the other male. Ao'nung was blushing furiously.

Tonowari patted Jake's shoulder. "Ao'nung will be a man within the year. Perhaps your son can attempt the ritual alongside him and the other young men."

"Thank you, Tonowari. "

Jake waited until night had fallen to walk up to Tsireya. She was unusually quiet, her shoulders were tense. "Come, I will show you who they are."

"Thank you, Tsireya. And I'm sorry you have to be the one to do this," Jake whispered, following after the young girl.

"Don't be sorry," Tsireya's sigh echoed in the quietness. "What they did is unacceptable. Were I in your place, I would not let them live to see another day."

Jake's blood ran cold. He never knew the petite girl could be so fierce. She was Ronal's daughter. It was clear as day.

"How is your mother?"

"The baby will be here any moment," Tsireya smiled, eyes twinkling gently. "Very strong and healthy. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl. I long for a little sister, you know."

"I hope your wish is granted," Jake said softly. He adored the Metcayina girl. She was the most special creature he ever met. Her patience was endless, and her voice was always soft.

Tsireya gestured to a boy. It was Ulro. He was caring for his tsurak. If Jake did not know any better, he would have thought him to be gentle. He gestured for Tsireya to leave, thanking her for her help. Once he was sure the girl was not there, he walked towards the boy, strides long and full of rage. Ulro's back was to him. Jake grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around, not hesitating to slam his fist into the Metcayina's face. He heard a crack and knew his nose had been broken. Ulro fell back, landing in the sand. He shouted out in pain, holding his face. Regaining his breath, the younger male jumped to his feet, hissing. "You will regret this."

Jake laughed in his face. He was sure he would not regret this moment. The other man had to pay for his sins. Without a second thought, Jake pulled his arm back and slammed it into the other man's face once again.

He wondered if perhaps he should end his life. He was not a murderer. But he was a father. And he was Toruk Makto.

Ulro launched for his throat, trying to choke him, but Jake was quick to move out of the way. The ocean boy fell to his knees in the sand. He stood quickly, but it was too late. Jake had already pulled out his knife.

"You will be banished for this!" Ulro yelled out, his voice laced with fear that he could not hide.

Jake shook his head and laughed once again. "No, you're the one who already is."

" What are you talking about?" Ulro hissed, taking a step back. Jake took a step forward.

" I owe you no explanation."

The fight was long, Ulro had called out for help, but nobody came. The village had already been informed of his banishment. The Metcayina fought tooth and nail to defeat Jake, but it was all useless. He could not defeat Toruk Makto.

Jake walked home; it was already dawn. His family was awake, waiting for him. There were no guests inside his home. They were waiting for him to return. Only him. He's oldest son was awake. He did not seem worried. Jake hurried to him, ignoring his own wounds. He fell to his knees in front of Neteyam and hugged him around his middle. "It's over, baby boy. They can't hurt you anymore."

Neteyam exhaled in relief and collapsed into his father's arms.

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