38. Payakan

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Neteyam felt someone carrying him. He felt completely weightless as his head rested on a strong shoulder. A familiar scent filled his nose. He knew this place but he was too tired to open his eyes.

Lo'ak held onto his brother tightly, rushing out of the water and to the shore, where he was relieved to find the one person he was looking for. "Dad! Dad, over here!"

"Lo'ak!" Jake turned from his conversation with the Olo'eyktan. "Oh no, what happened? Is he breathing?"

"Yeah Dad, but he's really weak." Lo'ak carried him over; Jake came to meet him half-way and reached for his sons. He wrapped his arms around Lo'ak, pulling him as close as he could even though he was holding his brother. "He's bleeding, dad."

"Give him to me, I will take care of him." Ronal came over to them and Jake helped Lo'ak hand Neteyam to the Tsahik carefully, watching with reddened eyes as Neteyam twitched slightly in his dreamless slumber.

Once Neteyam was submitted to Ronal's care, Jake turned to Lo'ak.

"Oh, my boy," he breathed in relief and pulled his youngest son back into his embrace. Lo'ak pressed his face into his father's chest; Jake's hand found the back of his head. He pressed his face against Lo'ak's wild braids. "I'm so proud of you for bringing your brother back safe. Where were you? Who did this to him?"

"The sky people, Dad." Lo'ak clenched his eyes shut.

"Shit," Jake gasped, holding Lo'ak tighter. "Do they know where we are?"

Lo'ak shook his head. "I Don't think so, dad. They didn't see me."

"They didn't see you? How?" Jake pulled back and grasped his son's shoulders in wonder.

Lo'ak, nervous, licked his lips and averted his gaze for a second. "Something was wrong with the ship, I guess. It was tilting all weird."

"Those idiots probably ran onto some rocks," Jake chuckled, shoulders finally relaxing.

"Lo'ak, you're back!" Tuk's voice rang out, silencing their conversation. She ran towards them, followed by Kiri. Tuk jumped into Lo'ak's arms and snuggled against him.

"Where were you? Did you see Neteyam?" Kiri asked quietly, worry lacing her voice.

Lo'ak nodded as his sisters hugged him tightly. He snuggled against them, grateful. "I found him. He's with Ronal."

"Lo'ak, you're so cool! Can we go see him now, please please, daddy!" Tuk jumped up and down, clapping in excitement, all her previous fears evaporating.

"Not yet, baby. He's a little hurt right now and Ronal is taking care of him." Jake stroked her cheek gently and leaned down to pick her up, balancing the small girl on his hip.

"Ma Jake! What is going on?" Neytiri hurried to them, eyes wide and shining with worry. She came to stand next to her mate and placed a hand on his arm for her own comfort.

"Lo'ak brought Neteyam home!" Tuk squeaked in excitement, reacher for her mother to hold her instead, but Neytiri only kissed her forehead quickly and asked her to wait before she turned to her youngest son.

"Oh, Lo'ak," Neytiri gasped, cradling his face gently in her shaking hands. "My strong little boy. I'm so grateful for you."

Lo'ak swallowed and wrapped his arms around his mother's shoulders, hiding his face in her neck, finally letting out the emotions eating him alive.

"How did you find him, Lo'ak?" Kiri asked as they sat in a circle by the shore. "Your ilu came back alone and bleeding. Dad was ready to grieve you when the second day passed."

Lo'ak glanced at her before shrugging and smiling softly at the memories. Tsireya placed a gentle hand on his arm and watched him curiously. Lo'ak turned to fully face his sister. "I met a tulkun."

"A tulkun?" Tsireya gasped in wonder. "It was alone?"

Lo'ak nodded, frowning. "Yeah, he was. And he had a missing fin too."

"Lo'ak, that's Payakan!" Tsireya whispered in horror and held onto his arm tighter.

"Who's Payakan?" Tuk piped up, leaning closer to them.

"He is a young male," Rotxo spoke up for the first time since they gathered on the beach. "The tulkun banished him for killing not only other tulkun but na'vi too."

"You're lucky to be alive, Lo'ak," Ao'nung grunted, leaning forward to rest his arms on his knees comfortably.

Lo'ak shook his head. "That's not right. He saved my life."

"My baby bro," Lo'ak felt someone grab his shoulders from behind. "The mighty warrior, met the killer tulkun and lived to tell the tale."

"You don't understand -" Lo'ak cut him off, upset. Something about the look in Neteyam's eyes sent a shiver down his spine. His brother seemed so easy to break despite the brave face he put on. "Payakan saved me and he helped me save you. How could he be a killer?"

"He is, by tulkun law," Ao'nung whispered, eyes wide, like he had just seen the most beautiful thing he ever had in his entire life. He straightened up and took a step towards Neteyam but Tsireya caught his wrist gently. Neteyam was already wrapped in the embrace of his siblings. Neteyam's wrists and ankles were bandaged tightly and Ao'nung wondered painfully what was under the coverings. The Metcayina boy pulled his wrist free from his sister's hold and walked over to his mate. Neteyam's sibling scattered, knowing he needed to hold Neteyam as much as they did, maybe more.

Neteyam took an uncertain step towards Ao'nung, raising his arms slowly to hug his shoulders, longing for comfort. Neteyam traced the new tattoo adorning Ao'nung's shoulder, curiosity filling him, wondering what the beauty of the curved lines meant. The Omaticaya leaned closer to Ao'nung's ear as he was wrapped in the Metcayina's strong arms.

"I want to be alone with you," he whispered so only Ao'nung could hear and pressed his face into the ocean na'vi's neck. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"I'm here now, baby tail," Ao'nung murmured, watching as their friends slowly began to walk away; Tsireya gave him a reassuring smile as she took Lo'ak's hand in hers and left together with everyone else. "I looked for you everywhere. I thought I had lost you forever. "

Neteyam pressed their lips together, smiling into the kiss sadly, eyelashes damp with feeling. He pulled away and grasped Ao'nung's hand, leading him towards the forest.

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