71. Healing Souls

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Weeks passed.

Neteyam's condition did not seem to get better; he still broke down often, and he still found ways to cause himself harm, only to be eaten by guilt afterwards.

The nights were long. He kept tossing and turning; it kept Jake up, leaving them both exhausted.

Jake placed a hand on his son's shoulder comfortingly when Neteyam shifted again, tugging at his blankets in frustration. Neteyam inhaled sharply, turning to face his father.

"Sorry, sir," he whispered helplessly, lips quivering as he fought back his tears.

Jake's heart was breaking into tiny grains of sand, to be washed away by the ocean, never to he found again. Jake watched helplessly as his son attempted to stay quiet and hide his sniffles, covering his mouth and nose. Jake sat, reaching for the medication Ronal had sent his son, refusing to let Neteyam break further. Neteyam watched his father, teeth clenched. He did not sit up, body screaming and heavy with agony.

"Baby boy, sit up, please," Jake whispered into the silence of the night. He dipped his finger into the container and smiled encouragingly as Neteyam sat up, head hanging. "Come here, son. Open your mouth."

"I can-"

"Let me take care of you," Jake shushed him, lifting Neteyam's face with a finger under his chin. Neteyam swallowed thickly before opening his mouth, letting his father apply the herbal remedy and soothe his anxiety. Neteyam scrunched his nose at the familiar taste, shuddering. He could never quite get used to it.

"One more, baby boy." Jake repeated the motion, watching Neteyam squirm and try to avoid letting the salve touch his tongue, appearing entirely disgusted by the texture and taste.

"Thank you, sir."

He fell asleep after that, silent and unmoving for the rest of the night.

Days later, Neteyam found himself floating in the ocean next to Tìlìon's fin, holding on with one hand as he relaxed. They were alone. Tìlìon had sensed his new friend's sadness and guided him to safety and privacy, away from the rest of the tulkun and the Metcayina. Ao'nung was far away, with his own spirit brother.

Neteyam's eyes opened, he turned to look at Tìlìon, smiling gently. The tulkun chirped. Neteyam nodded; he had been slowly beginning to understand the creature. Tìlìon swam in front of Neteyam, facing him. Neteyam signed to him, telling him about his darkest thoughts. The tulkun chirped something in return, sounding sympathetic and gentle.

Neteyam bit his lower lip, shaking his head, shoulders slumping.

Tìlìon whined, twirling once before coming closer, opening his mouth wide. Neteyam blinked in surprise, butterflies bubbling in his chest. He hesitated before swimming forward into the darkness of the tulkun's embrace. Tìlìon closed his mouth, waiting patiently for Neteyam to figure out what to do. Neteyam swam deeper, looking around curiously, before startling as the tulkun's golden, glowing queue unfolded, offering a connection to the other male.

Neteyam floated closer. He reached back and pulled his braid forward, letting the twirling tendrils reveal themselves. Neteyam felt weightless in the darkness as he lifted his hand and gently connected to the tulkun, pupils widening before he closed his eyes, enveloped by warmth and love. Tìlìon allowed the young na'vi to look into his mind, offering his ideas to Neteyam, aiding his journey in healing his broken heart.

A small smile blossomed on Neteyam's face as he relaxed, letting the affection wash over him, accepting it gratefully. In return, he allowed the tulkun to see inside his mind, showing Tìlìon memories of childhood, of the forest.

Neteyam found himself walking hand in hand with Ao'nung the next day. Neteyam's heart felt so full and happy. He grinned up at his mate, cheeks flushing as Ao'nung smiled down at him, blue eyes conveying his love for the Omaticaya.

"I bonded with Tìlìon," Neteyam murmured fondly, playing with Ao'nung's fingers. "He showed me how much he loved me."

Ao'nung's grin wad so wide it almost hurt. "I'm so proud of you, my love."

Neteyam looked down, letting out a gentle, deep giggle. "It felt so nice."

"You're so nice," Ao'nung smirked, turning to face Neteyam and placing a hand on his waist. "The nicest boy I have ever met."

Neteyam bit the inside of his cheek, feeling warm and fuzzy. "You're really nice too."

Ao'nung wrapped the smaller body in a tight embrace, kissing the top of Neteyam's head. "Every day, I thank Eywa that I get to be yours another day."

Neteyam caressed his mate's back, rubbing the skin there gently. "I thank the Great Mother for the day you decided to kiss me for the first time."

"When you ran away?" Ao'nung whispered, a soft laugh hidden in his voice. "It is not so much of a fond memory for me."

"It can grow to be. I am yours now, and nothing will ever change that, Ao'nung. "

Ao'nung's touches left him breathless; Neteyam's eyes shone with gentle droplets of love as Ao'nung kissed down the side of his neck, nuzzling his nose into the skin there.
"Not here, Ao'nung. "

The Metcayina hummed, continuing his kisses, uncaring if his people saw. "I only want to hold you."

Neteyam sighed softly. "I must get home."

Inside his home, Neteyam found his father alone. Ao'nung said goodbye, heading home.

"Hey, dad." Neteyam nodded to Jake in greeting. "Where is everyone?"

Jake looked up, smiling faintly at his oldest son. "Your mother is with Kiri and Tuk. Lo'ak is most likely with the chief's daughter."

"I have something to tell you." Neteyam sat down next to him, back straight and proud. Jake watched him, eyes encouraging.
"I met a tulkun. He chose me as his spirit brother. We have bonded."

Jake patted Neteyam's back proudly. "That's amazing, little guy. What's your tulkun's name?"

"Tìlìon," Neteyam murmured happily, ears twitching. "He is the friend of Ao'nung's spirit brother."

Neteyam, at that moment, realised that he could learn to let go of his sadness.


"Yes, son?"

Neteyam's face blossomed in a grateful smile. "I think I can move forward now."

Not a Soldier Yet |Ao'nung x Neteyam|Where stories live. Discover now