Chapter 1 // Meeting The Criminal Mastermind

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So this is my first story please ignore any of the spelling mistakes.

Run...The last words my mother told me, that was 11 years ago. And that's what I'm about to do. After I get out of this hell hole they call school.

"Mr. Reeve's did you hear me?" My teacher snapped.

"Nope," I responded popping the p at the end.

"Well since Mr. Ree-" she was interrupted by the bell.

I darted out the door before she could yell at me..again. I had a job to do. I was what snobby adults called a cyberpunk or just a hacker. Most- well all of the jobs I do are for criminals.

My employer had a new job for me and an important one. One by the name of Raymond Reddington was in need of my services. I've heard that name before, I'll find out soon enough of I know him.
I jogged up the stairs of a small quaint house. About a minute after I knocked, a woman dressed in slacks and a blazer opened a door, a gun in hand.

"My employer sent me for a Raymond Reddington." I said anxiously.

"Come in," She opened the door further and lead me through the house.

"Red, the kid's here" The woman said blankly.

"Ah, finally. I was getting worried. Please come in ." He spoke, as I strutted in the room. I noticed it was mostly older furniture. There he was dressed in a 3 piece suit: Italian brown leather shoes, and a fedora propped up on his knee.

"What's your name?"He asked

"Alexander, but most people just call me Alex." I shouldn't have told him he's a criminal. C'mon how stupid can I be? 

"Are you Raymond Reddington?" I ask him rocking back and forth on my toes.

"I am. I need you to hack into the FBI security system and erase any suspicious activity of Elizabeth Keen. Also I need you to launder money from this man's account to one of mine in Russia." He informed me as he pushed the piece of paper over to the desk near by.

"Please make yourself comfortable" he advised as he gestured to the desk, "You'll be here a while."
I want to give a shout out to KaiaReddington and Jadath14 for helping me come up with some of the ideas in here!

Raymond Reddington Jr. (EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now