Chapter 8 // You were what

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"Alexander Raymond
James Reddington! What the hell happened back there?"

"Uh...some guy died." I say with no emotion. Liz rolled her eyes.

" How about this guy has been watching you for some 'odd' reason then he puts a gun to your head, then you blow his brains out. Sound accurate enough for you?"

I shake my head.

"You make it seem so bad; evil, cynical, should I go on with synonyms? Like I noted before, it was either him or us going home today."

"Alex, you seem to have no problem, not even a second thought about murdering people. Would you like to tell us something?" Red says smirking while setting his fedora down.

It was more of a statement than a question.

He knew.

Dang how did I not see this coming. My past was going to resurface sooner than later. I sighed ,"I was maybe...a...well you know why do I have to share with these two." My voice had gone from just above a whisper to a vociferate. He just smirked.

I'm not just going to give into his ways and spill all of my secrets. I could just spill all my secrets,but I like my secrets.They keep me company when I'm lonely. I debated with myself for little more than a minute.

I took a deep breath, it was hard enough dealing with it by myself.
"I was a...hitman before I was a hacker. My hands got too dirty, so I decided to lay low for a while. That guy back there,  Achilles, I killed most of his family right in front of him." Liz just gasped, Dembe looked away, and Red was furious and distressed at the same time.

"Don't look at me like I'm this psychotic murderer that had a choice." I immediately regretted the last part.

"Like you didn't have a choice what those that mean?" Red asked, curiosity brimming.

"Uh... nothing. What I said earlier Liz, about being a Reddington, well this old crazy bastard over here is my dad." I pointed to Red, changing the subject.

He looked affronted. "Sorry to bounce that back my parents were married when they had me, and also when they conceived me." He said matter-a-factly, the signature grin never leaving his face.

"I did not need to know the last part Reddington." Liz said flatly, slightly disgusted. "But back to Ale-"

I cut her off. "We don't need to know about my past. That is my secret and your past is your own, unless you decide to share it and I don't think its show and tell time."

Red turned to Dembe. "Call our pilot and tell him to have the jet fueled and ready to leave within the hour." He turned back to us, "Lizzie go pack your things, Alex"His tone was gentler with Liz.

"What did you mean by ' it's not like I had a choice.'?" He asked standing in front of the door, almost guarding it.

"Why do you care? You were never there when I needed you the most. Did you even want me or was I just a-a...M...mistake?" My voice broke at the last word, my heart was in my throat wanting to know why he left me and our family. "Or did you just want to have one child, but instead you got two is that it?" He looked like his heart was shattered into a million pieces, and I immediately regretted every thing I said. "You know I didn't mean that Dad." I tried to cover up.

"Yes you did Alex, you have every
right to say that, I've never once tried to explain why I left my family." I waited for him to explain. "But I'm not ready for that now, I want to keep you in the dark for as long as possible." I let out an exasperated huff, "Of course you say that." I tried to push past him, and he just chuckled, and stood his ground. He was surprisingly strong and nimble for a man his age, but he let me pass after a few moments.

Raymond Reddington Jr. (EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now