Chapter 3 // Him Again

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I couldn't sleep that night I kept tossing and turning and thinking about him. Sleep had never come easy to me, especially not now. It made me feel strange thinking about him and my dad, could he be my dad?

"Stop it Alex" I muttered to myself. My mom said that he left her and my sister, he didn't even know I existed. Mom was going to tell him that Christmas, but of course he never came, and being a child I never got the full story.

Flashback(13 years ago)

"Momma, what was Dadda like?"I had asked my mom.

"He was a very brave man,always ready to defend his country." She responded with a caring smile

"More, tell me more. Where is he now?" I demanded as I crossed my arms.

She laughed "You're so much like your father, he was a very commanding person with lots of questions. You look just like him; he purses his lips like you, he also raises his eyebrows just like you."

"But where is Dadda now?"

She looked away tears in her eyes,"To be honest with you Alex I really don't know."
I didn't even notice I had tears in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away. I don't even remember my sister, I think her name started with a J. For some reason I'd never been able to pull those memories out of the darkest places in my mind.

I glanced at the clock, it read 4:12am. Realizing I won't get anymore sleep might as well take a shower. I let the freezing water run down my back relaxing my muscles. Unlike most people cold water relaxes me.I had thrown some clothes laying around back on and pulled a jacket over my head. I headed out the door, and walked to the local caffe down the street, to be honest it came close to Starbucks.

My phone started playing a very obnoxious tone, it was my employer.

"What can I do for you, did you forget how to restart your phone...again?"

"Stop acting like a smart ass Reeve. Bring your stuff to (address) be there sharp at 9 Am." He hung up right after that.

"How rude!" I said to myself sarcastically.
When I got to the so called address I literally just stood there gazing at how big it was..and expensive. I slowly walked up and knocked on the door, not wanting to be to loud or to quiet. Quickly after,guess who opened the door......Raymond Reddington.

"Well hello again Alex I have another favor to ask of you."

"Obviously, "I muttered but not quiet enough, because he chuckled soon after I had said it.

"Lizzie is in the other room stressing try not to bother her to much."He asks of me.

"Typical of women." I whisper yell like a kid.

We both laughed at the same time it was strange we sounded almost exactly alike just his  voice a octave lower.

"Well almost the same thing as yesterday, just a few more bank accounts, and please take your time," He said as he led me to the study.

Raymond Reddington Jr. (EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now