Chapter 11 // Sleepovers

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The time I had to 'sleep' was not enough. Red had assured us that we would get a week of 'relaxation' in Italy...Maybe for him it was relaxing to Liz and I it was a living hell. We tracked down the stairs, all of us were exhausted, except Red he seemed in a rather jovial mood.

Liz groaned.

I raised my eyebrows giving her a questioning look. She pointed to a woman smiling her dark blonde hair flowing in the wind and her piercing blue eyes looking hungrily at my dad.

"Ray..." She called out walking over to us. He kissed her soundly. I cringed, and Liz let out a loud


"Well Nicole it's nice to see you again, or should I say Elizabeth.." She said her anger boiling seeing her. She sharply turned around to me and walked and inspected me.

"Name?" I turned to Liz and just to annoy her I played nice.

I smiled, "Alex," I say as I kiss her hand.

She turns to Red. "Wow, what a gentleman." I smiled again "It runs in the family," She looked from Red to me and he nodded almost as assuring her that I was his son. I continued. "I would also definitely not want to be related to someone like you..." I paused and pursed my lips, "so use protection and try to be quiet there are other people around." I said venom lacing every word with a hint of teasing which I didn't know was possible.

A car pulled up and Dembe started putting the luggage in the trunk.

I followed suit and slammed the door. Once I was inside the car the tears started to roll down my cheeks. Why was I crying? Thankfully the windows were tinted so no one was able to see me sob.

I was jealous that should have been my mother. In our house with me and my sister as happy children not this stupid life we had now...I didn't even notice Liz come in and sit next to me and hesitantly put her hand on my shoulder.

"You're jealous aren't you? You hate her because you think that should have been your mother a couple of minutes ago kissing your Dad, and all the crap that you've been through you at least think your dad should have still never moved on."

"Damn you're good." I whispered. She chuckled,"I have a major in psychology smart one...Oh great here comes your dad and Pratt." I looked up her. "

"Her last name should be brat I've heard stories about the night you guys went under cover and she totally fooled you."

I quickly wiped the tears away and went up to the front seat. "Good Luck sitting next to Maddy, your gonna need it." She rolled her eyes as she scooted over to the right side not wanting to sit in between them.

We had arrived at the town and the 'gentleman' part of me came out I inwardly groaned. I went up to the side of the backseat unfortunately the left side, since we were in Europe the steering wheel was on the right. She prances out dragging dad with her. He mouths 'Relax she'll never replace her' I nodded, but I still didn't believe him.

As I was about to punch a wall from replaying the scene from the airport. Somebody had knocked on the wooden door, that the owner of the inn smugly said something like hand made in 1567.

"What," I gritted through my teeth.

"Alex relax...Just breathe Dembe brought some card games and board games it will get your mind off of it." Liz reasoned, I stood my ground.

"Dembe!" Liz shouted,"We have some little 5 year old troublemaker that won't move I need your help."
Dembe rushed in. picked me up, threw me on the couch, and pinned me down while he tried to tickle me.
"It's not going to work."I say like Hermonie Granger.

For the rest of the times we felt like normal people almost like kids again. Played games, had a food fight, played truth or dare, we even had a pillow fight and fell asleep on the floor laughing at 3 am.

I at least had gotten a great night's sleep for my usual 4-6 hours of sleep; I got 8. Something was tickling my nose and right as I was about the itch it with my hand I stopped. My hand had a weird sensation on it like food...She thinks she can get back, Liz tickles my nose again and this time I shove my hand in her face smothering her face in whipped cream.

For the first time I felt truly happy. A father, friend who were like a family. Thats all I could have and be set for the rest of my life.

Family is not an important thing, it's everything."
Michael J. Fox

Raymond Reddington Jr. (EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now