Chapter 12 // A Suprise Christmas

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We were out of Florence too soon. The week had flown by, Dembe and Liz had constantly dragged me out to see everything. It was nice having friends that included you in everything.

I did not pull of a miracle, every night we had to have dinner with Pratt. I would come up with so many excuses you'd think I was a writer, not a criminal. The worst part was that Dad and Liz had to go to a meeting together and that meant Dembe was their assigned driver...So I was stuck with Madeline Pratt for a WHOLE day. It was like walking through hell for millions of years.

From the breakfast, to shopping all day carrying around tons of bags. She took me to a Victoria's Secret; the worst part was some lady thought I... I repeat, me, myself, and I Alexander Raymond James Reddington was her boyfriend! Are you out of your mind lady? She could be my mother! The thought of that makes me want to vomit.

The day ended, much to my appreciation Dembe packed my bags and was waiting with the pilot for our departure.

"I'm going to miss this place," Liz says dreamily. I snorted, "Except for Pratt."

She nodded in agreement. "Here comes Red, with Phlegm."

"Hya, Bya." I say as I turn and head into the plane, "Oh no you don't, your staying with me." Liz says as she drags me back out.

"I hate you," I mumble, she stuck her tongue out at me. We're seriously like children, siblings almost.

"Bye Madeleine, it was a pleasure meeting you," I say as I put on my happy face.

"You to Alexander," She turns to Red and whispers. "Quite a charmer like his father." Which makes him give a hearty laugh.

"Bye Maddy," Liz says through gritted teeth. Dad glares at her, but she doesn't seem phased by it.

"Well I'm going to get settled, Liz why don't you join me and we can start a game of Rummy."

She nods in agreement. "Hey let's play over here," She calls from the front side of the plane. Strange normally we play from the back.



"Ha I win!" I shout in triumph. She just rolls her eyes, "Hey Dembe, you know where we're going?" Liz asked him.

He shook his head and kept on reading. Seriously all he does is read!

"Dad," I call out. No answer.

"Dad," I call our again.

No response.

"Dad!"I shout. He comes running from the cockpit.

"Oh my god you scared me don't do that to me again! Now what do you want?" He asks breathing heavily.

"Where are we going?"

He sighs. "Always so curious."

"It's  a surprise," He says mischievously. My lips form into a flat line.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm sitting across from a another Red Reddington! I can't take it, one is well more than I can handle!" Liz exclaims and goes to the back of the plane. Strange Liz is never like this, we always play cards in the back, Dad is keeping secrets.

"Alex, Alexander!"Red snapped. "Hmm," I looked up to him with curious eyes. "What are you thinking about?" I raise my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

He shakes his head. "So similar, your eyes were more of a grey: which means your thinking or worrying about something." I look at him, how did he know that? He must have read my face.

"I know my own face," He says matter-a-factly.

I pull out a book from my backpack up above. I was so lost in it I didn't even realize we were landing.

"London?" I screamed incredulously. I heard laughter from all over the plane. "You knew?" I asked Liz as she came up, with her hands behind her back. She nods and pulls out a bag from behind her back. "Merry Christmas Alex."

My mouth opens and closes, I probably look like an idiot.

"Your joking?"I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder. "Definitely not, you see us criminals have some good to us."

Red says as he points to him and Liz. Liz raises her eyebrows, "Objection!I was framed, except for the Connolly part!" She argues.

We all laugh. But there's two distinct laughs. They sound the same, except one is an octave lower. I realize in that moment I am my father, no matter what I do, no matter what I say, we will always be the same person.

"Well I must say I didn't expect this, to say the least. So sorry, all you guys get is my company, because who wouldn't want to be surrounded by me?" I say smugly.

"Well open your gift Narcissus,"Liz jokes. I carefully take the box out of the bag it's a plaque saying 'Just remember I'll pick you up after you fall down...After I finish laughing.'

Classic Liz.

"Thank you," I say smiling like a 3 year old. "Mister Reddington were landing!"The pilot shouts from the cockpit.

We all pull up to a flat in the center of London. "Hey cover for me,"I whisper to Dembe. I sprint around the corner and flag a cab.

"Where to young man?" The cabbie asks me. "Do you know any place that's still open and I can get Christmas presents?"

"Son it's Christmas Day in London, of course you can!" He says with a slight Irish accent.

I buy a few things for everyone, by the time I'm ready to go home my arms a full."I 'successfully' managed to find a cab.

I knock on the door, no response.Im sure this is the flat. I knock again, no answer, I keep up the knocking for two more minutes before yelling, "Open the goddamn door!"

The door immediately flew open with a smug looking Liz, "Told ya' he'd yell something like that!"She says looking at Dembe.

I raise my eyebrows, "Really, really?You bet on me. Oh here's your gifts Liz and here's yours Dembe."I say as I hand them a few bags each.

"He actually has a heart!"Liz exclaims with sarcasm. "Whatever," I mutter and try to go find dad.

"Dad!" I scream.I hear frantic footsteps.

"A-Alex, don't scream like that, you scared me half to death." He warned. I ignore him and hand him his gifts. A look of shock comes over his face, and slowly turns into a huge smile. He drops the gifts and squeezes me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas Alex."

So I felt sort of weird writing this in August, and I'm in Texas...So yea. Don't forget to comment and vote!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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