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    Wilbur was finally able to return home to his precious daughter now that his band was done touring. He met up with Phil; finding Tallulah and Chayanne playing some sort of game.
    "Hey Phil!" Wilbur greeted, excited to be back.
    "Hey mate!" Phil greeted back. "Hey uhm, can I talk to you for a second?" Phil said, his demeanor changing to a more serious one.
    "Sure. What's up?" Wil asked once they were out of earshot from the eggs.
    "There was a uhm.. a run in with a binary entity not too long ago and.. Tallulah got hurt. As in lost a life kinda hurt," Phil explained carefully.
    Silence filled the air as Wil tried to process the thought that he wasn't there to protect his own daughter.  He let out a quiet "okay, thanks for telling me" then went to his child, bending down to her level.  "Tallulah," he approached her carefully due to her sensitive ears, "how about we go home and I sing you a bedtime song?  Does that sound good?"  He finally got a good look at the damage that had been inflicted on Tallulah.  Right across her chest was a massive scar, the blood from the wound having stained her sweater.  Just then Wilbur had a vision of sorts.  A man dressed similar to Phil was standing above him with remorse; a massive scar crossed over his chest and a once yellow sweater was now stained with blood.
    Wilbur blinked, a slight headache starting to form, but all he saw was a concerned Tallulah.
    "You alright mate?" Phil asked while helping Wilbur to his feet.
    "Yeah, I'm okay, just tired from touring ya know?" Wil responded with a slight chuckle. "Well, we're off.  It was great to see you two again and we'll definitely stop by later!" Wil said returning to his former happiness.  With that, the two music lovers were headed back to the home.

Let me know if I should continue this. :)
329 words

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