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    Wilbur began his walk in the calm night.  He already messaged Phil to meet him by the wall.  As he was walking he kept seeing random glimpses of this "L'Manburg" from his dream.  It was almost too much to bare.  He got to the meeting spot and looked around for Phil.  After realizing that he got there first, he sat down and closed his eyes hoping it would calm his mind some.  


    "Wil?"  "Wiiilllll"  "WILBUR!" 
    "Jesus! What?" Wilbur was startled by a voice yelling his name.  He looked around and saw a tall blonde boy with a red and white baseball shirt staring at him.  "What do you need Tommy?" Wil asked slightly surprised that he knew this random kid's name.  Tommy looked different from when he last saw him.  He had a different outfit and seemed older too, maybe 16 or 17.  Looking down at himself, Wilbur realized that he too looked different.  He had a brown trench coat on with a yellow sweater underneath.
    "Jeez Wilbur.  Come on, I think being here is messing with your head," Tommy said turning around and walking off.  Wil turned to see what he was talking about and saw a fox, his son Fundy, tearing down the obsidian walls that protected L'Manburg.  A feeling of sorrow and anger rose in him yet he didn't understand why.  Wil turned and followed after Tommy wondering why this Fundy person would do that.


    "Wil wake up!" Phil shook Wilbur in attempt to wake him.  
    Wilbur woke with a start to Phil hovering above him with a worried look.  Looking around, he noticed he was indeed back in his world.  
    "Mate are you good?  Why'd you call me out here?" Phil asked him with concern.
    "No I'm not good.  Phil something is happening to me," Wilbur said standing up.  "I keep seeing things and having these really weird dreams.  It's almost like an alternate reality with a nation and I have a son apparently and there's someone named Tommy that's involved for some reason," he said in a rush.
    "Okay.  How about we take a few deep breaths first yeah?" Phil responded calmly.  
    Wilbur took a few deep breaths before calmly telling Phil what has been happening.  "I think I'm seeing things.  Not random things though.  It's almost like it's a story of some sort.  Maybe even a past life.  There was a nation called L'Manburg that I went to war for apparently," Wilbur recalled from his seemingly strange dreams.  "Phil are you alright?" Wil asked as he noticed his friend had a shocked expression on his face almost as if he had remembered something.
    "You mentioned the name L'Manburg right?" Phil questioned.  After receiving a nod from his friend, he continued, "I feel like I've heard that before.  I don't know where but I know I've heard that name".  
    "So you don't think I'm going crazy?" Wilbur asked with caution.
    "Crazy?  No not at all.  Though we do need to find out what this means," Phil responded.  "Have you seen anything else or anyone else other than this Tommy kid?"
    "Yeah.  There was a fox named Fundy that was my son apparently and some other kid, I think his name was Tubbo," he told Phil, "I can try and see if I can figure anything else out.  The only problem is that I don't know how to trigger it".
    Phil thought for a moment before speaking up, "This all started when you  saw Tallulah's injury, correct?" Receiving a nod from Wilbur, he continued, "Well then maybe we just need to find something to trigger it again.  Maybe we could try recreating certain aspects of these visions?"  Wilbur agreed and they decided to work on it in the morning as they were both rather tired.

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