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3rd person

    Wilbur and Phil meet up at a spot that was in between their houses, bringing their children along.  Saying their hellos, the men and their children headed over to the friendly demon's house.  As the four family bound members walked toward their friend's home, the two older men received a message on their communicators.

BadBoyHalo: somone hepl! Binary at ym house!

    Giving a quick look to each other, Phil and Wilbur began to run towards Bad's house, their children not too far behind.  Once they reached Bad's house Wil and Phil took out their swords and began to help Bad fight off the binary entity.  A few minutes into the fight, Foolish showed up, took the children and got them to a safer area, much to the childrens' protest.

    A long and painful fight later and the binary entity was finally defeated.  During the fight, Forever and Jaiden showed up to help.  Jaiden and Foolish quickly went to tend to everyone's wounds. Once everyone made sure they were okay, Foolish, Forever, and Jaiden bid the other three goodbye and went back to their normal lives.

    "Thanks for helping out there you two," Bad thanked Phil and Wilbur.

    "No problem Bad," Phil said. "Do you mind if we talk for a bit?"

    "Sure!" Bad said cheerfully. "Come on in, I'll get some tea going."

    Once they all got settled in and the kids ran off to play, Wilbur finally spoke, his voice serious.

    "Bad I know this is going to sound absolutely crazy but I think that some of us here are connected through an alternate reality," Wil said.

    "What makes you think this? Do you have any proof?" Bad asked him, skeptical of what his friend just told him.

    Wilbur took the white streak of hair that he normally keeps tucked away out from its hiding place.  Bad looked at the streak with wonder.  He was pretty sure his friend didn't have that a few weeks ago.

    "Okay," Bad began, "let's say I believe you.  What makes you think that we're connected? Other than by our kids."

    "I've been having these dreams," Wilbur spoke cautiously. "They all seem to be connected to one another too.  I'm not sure exactly what it means but I've seen you, Phil, and Quackity in these dreams."

    Bad thought for a moment, conflicting with himself on whether or not he should believe his friend.  On one hand, it could be possible that there is an alternate reality where they all didn't get along too well.  On the other hand, Wilbur did always have a strong imagination and was able to easily make up stories to tell the kids.

    "Can I have a day or two to think about this before I give you an answer?" Bad finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.

    "Yeah," Wilbur said, slightly defeated that once again someone didn't believe him.

    Hopefully in the next day or two Bad would be able to believe Wilbur.  Maybe a past lover or an old friend would be able to provide some insight.

Bad POV 

    Wilbur and Phil said their goodbyes and left me to my thoughts.  How could I be certain that what Wilbur is saying is true?  I could try asking him when he gets back from the store but I honestly don't think he's coming home.  It's been months and there's still no sign of him.

(One day time skip cus I'm sick and needed to get this chapter out)

    My mind was still focused on what Wilbur said yesterday.  I tried hanging out with Dapper but I kept getting distracted.

    After a lot of begging from Dapper, I finally caved and went to go make my comfort food: muffins.  Muffins are without a doubt one of my favorite foods.  Especially blueberry muffins. Something about them made me feel better.

    I had Dapper help me make the muffin batter and pour it into the tray.  We put the tray into the oven, turned it on and then went upstairs so the waiting process wouldn't seem so long.  We painted a few pictures and I told Dapper a few more quick stories about his other parent.  Time seemed to fly by because the next thing we knew, we were racing each other downstairs.

    Carefully, I pulled out the tray and set it on the cooling rack.  They smelled wonderful and I was honestly glad that Dapper suggested we make muffins.  Just when I was putting away the extra ingredients, I heard the front door open.

    "Bad!  Dapper!  I'm back!"

748 words
I'm back from the dead.  I was sick so sorry for the delayed updates.  Who could be back??  Love y'all <3

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