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Anyone hate me for the cliffhangers yet?  Also the art above is so pretty.  NOT MINE!  The artwork is NOT mine!

Cellbit POV

    I wasn't sure where I was headed.  I just needed some space really.  I didn't understand why Roier thought I purposely sent the TNT launching toward Wilbur and Tallulah.  I had promised him beforehand that I wouldn't.  I'm just glad that they aren't hurt too badly. 
    I stopped walking once I was in front of a building.  I guess I was walking on auto pilot because I'm back at the place I never wanted to return to.  I was standing outside the Federation building.  I started walking into the building, even though I tried to stop myself.  I decided to stop fighting against myself as I unwillingly kept walking.  My body only stopped moving once I was in front of him.
    "Welcome back, Cellbit," he said with a twisted smile painted on his face.
    "You know damn well that I don't want to be here," I told him, my voice monotone.  Glaring daggers at him, I asked, "What do you from me, Cucurucho?"
    "My dear Cellbit," as he spoke, his eyes started glowing with crimson glow; as he talked I felt myself get tired, "welcome back to the Federation." 
    I felt myself pass out then nothing.  I felt like I was floating through a dark abyss.

Roier POV

    I shouldn't have gotten mad at Cellbit.  Once Wilbur woke up and confirmed that he was okay I told him what happened and what we intended to do.  He seemed a bit upset at first but told me he doesn't blame me or Cellbit anything.  I went home after I double checked that he was okay and I've been here ever since.  Granted its only been a few hours.  I'm honestly more worried than upset right now.  It got dark about an hour ago and Cellbit still hasn't come back.  I thought maybe he would take a walk and then come back to our house but he isn't here.  I hope he's okay.  I'll give him til sunrise.  If he isn't back by then, I'm going to go look for him.


    I haven't been able to sleep all night.  I've been too worried about Cellbit.  I heard the birds start to chip outside so I decided to get up and start looking for him.
    I walked around and asked anyone I saw if they had seen Cellbit.  Everyone I asked said that they hadn't seen him.  I found Forever and Richarlyson talking so I thought I might as well ask them, despite Forever not liking me much.
"Hey Forever, have you seen Cellbit?" I asked, the worry very evident in my voice. "I haven't been able to find him since he walked off yesterday."
"No I haven't," he replied, apparently putting our issues aside. "What happened that he walked off?" I told him everything that happened yesterday. From the prank, to it backfiring, to me being upset and regretting it. At first he seemed angry that I got upset at Cellbit and he has every right to but then he calmed down and looked worried instead. "I'll help you find him," he said. "Richarlyson, go find Pac and Mike. Spend some time with them okay?" Richarlyson nodded then went off to find his other parents. With that, Forever and I headed out to find my missing husband.
A few hours later, Forever suddenly stopped walking. It seemed like he was thinking about something before he turned and began walking once more. Confused, I decided to follow him while asking where we were going. He didn't say anything; he just kept walking. A building came into sight after about 30 minutes of walking. A building I knew all to well.
We were standing in front of the Federation. I turned to Forever to ask him why we were here but he spoke before I could.
"I have a feeling Cellbit's in there," he spoke. "You said he had a blank expression on his face when you got mad at him. He had a blank expression on his face too when he destroyed my XP farm."
I couldn't believe it. We had to rescue Cellbit and Felps from this place a few months ago. So why would he come back here?
Just then Cucurucho appeared in front of us. At least I thought it was Cucurucho. The only difference was he wore the same clothes as Cellbit and looked a lot like Cellbit. Then it hit me like a brick. The person in front of us is Cellbit. Standing in front of me and Forever was Cellbit with a Cucurucho mask. I didn't know what to feel as I realized that we may have saved him from the Federation but we didn't truly save him from the Federation.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I was shoved to the side. I looked up to see Forever and Cellbit fighting. Forever had saved my life. I'll have to repay him somehow. Never mind that, right now we had to get Cellbit out of the control of the Federation and out of the control of Cucurucho. Speaking of Cucurucho, he appeared in front of as I got to my feet. Getting my sword out, the two of us also got locked into a duel. From the corner of my eye, I saw Forever, a good distance from Cellbit, quickly typing something in his communicator. I managed to get away from Cucurucho and in front of Forever just in time to block Cellbit from killing Forever.
"Cellbit please," I tried. "I'm sorry for not believing you. I shouldn't have gotten mad." Silence. "I'm sorry. Please just come back." I didn't want to fight him. Forever went to go fight Cucurucho so I was stuck dueling with my husband.
We got some distance between us so I decided to stand up straight, look him in his eyes that were covered by the mask, and I dropped my sword onto the grass next to me. I refuse to fight him. I watched as Cellbit got closer to me. He stood right in front of me with his sword in hand and that damn mask staring back at me. Wait. What if I took off the mask.
I reached up to grab the mask before I felt a massive pain in my stomach. Looking down, I saw Cellbit's sword locked in my stomach. I quickly grabbed the mask on his face and pulled it off. I saw Cellbit's eyes turn from dull to filled with emotion as he realized that he had stabbed me. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Forever and Cellbit yelling my name.

3rd person POV

Forever and Cellbit watched as Roier's body fell to the ground, a sword through his stomach. In a fit of rage, Forever turned back to Cucurucho and hit him over and over until he delivered a final blow, killing Cucurucho and ending the Federation. Forever then rushed over to the unconscious Roier. A devastated Cellbit was hunched over his husband's body, hating the actions of which he couldn't control. Forever pried his friend away from his beloved husband, picked up the unconscious man and hurried away to find help.
Grabbing some spare TNT from his bag, Cellbit quickly lit it before throwing it at the building standing next to him, blowing it up for good. After confirming that the Federation was gone, Cellbit quickly hurried after his blonde friend.


    It had been a couple hours since Forever and Cellbit got Roier to Jaiden. She had patched him up and they were now just waiting for Roier to wake up. As if on cue, a very groggy Roier began to stir and wake up. Looking around, he found a very happy Cellbit and a very relieved Forever and Jaiden. Cellbit helped Roier to sit up while constantly apologizing for hurting him. In turn, Roier apologized to Cellbit for not believing him when their prank backfired. In the end, everything was sorted out between the two husbands.

1327 words

This is my longest chapter yet. I really wanted to keep all of this in one chapter so yeah :) Love you all and have a great day/night/afternoon :) <3

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