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Karl POV

    Is this the Island that XD was talking about?  I sure hope so.  This would be awkward otherwise. I walked up the sandy beach and over the grass until I finally saw someone.  They wore a nice white shirt complemented by a pair of black pants and black suspenders.  They had long, blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and had a purple bracelet around their wrist.  I also noticed the nice purple and silver earrings hanging from their ears.

    "Excuse me," I said from where I was so as to not frighten the stranger.  As they turned around I continued, "do you happen to know someone named Foolish?"

    "I don't personally know him but I know someone that does," the kind stranger said. "Follow me."

    As we were walking to whoever knew Foolish, he introduced himself saying that his name was Forever and asked what I was doing on the island.  I simply told him that I was visiting an old friend of mine.

    He called out to someone and as we got closer I saw the one and only BadBoyHalo.  He looked shorter than I remembered.  Then again everything had changed since Jack set off the nuke that blew up our home.  Forever then said goodbye and went back to whatever it was he was doing.

    "Hi! I'm BadBoyHalo but you can call me Bad," he said cheerful as ever. "What can I do for you?"

    "I'm looking for Foolish.  Do you happen to know where he is?" I asked as if I had known him my whole life, which I kinda had.

    "Foolish?  He's actually headed here right now if you don't mind waiting for a bit," he told me.  I honestly didn't really mind it all that much.

    While we waited for Foolish to arrive, Bad and I talked.  Well okay he did most of the talking but it was still nice to learn what he was doing in this life.  A few minutes later, Foolish showed up and apologized for being late.

    "It's all good," Bad said with a smile.  "Someone is here to see you actually."  He pointed at while while he spoke.

    "Oh okay," Foolish replied.  "Would you mind waiting just a little longer while I talk with him?  I'm sorry so about making you wait for so long."

    "I don't mind," Bad said.

    Foolish and I walked a bit away until we were out of earshot from Bad. 

    "Hey," Foolish said.  "XD send you here?"

    "Yep.  I'm here to help you get your memories back," I stated.  I wanted to get this done and over with quickly so people wouldn't asked who I was. 

    I turned to look at Bad once more just to make sure we were still out of his hearing range.  When I did, I saw none other than Skeppy talking to him.  So this is where he's been.  I wonder if Charlie is here too.

    "So what exactly is going on?" Foolish asked, breaking me from my thoughts. 

    "Right," I spoke.  "Basically, someway somehow, you lost your memories of what we called the Dream SMP.  My guess is it had something to do with the nuke that destroyed it.  Maybe the toxins scrambled your mind or something.  It should be an easy fix though."  I thought for a moment before speaking again.  "Hey is Charlie here too?"

    "Charlie?" He questioned.  "Yeah, there's a Charlie here.  Not sure if it's the Charlie you're looking for though."

    "I'll go look for him," I told Foolish.  "You get back to doing whatever you and Bad were doing and I'll come find you later."

    Foolish nodded and with that I left.  I'm not exactly sure where I'm going but I'll figure it out.  I asked around if anyone had seen or knew Charlie.  After a lot of people not knowing where he was, I finally found someone that did know.  Unfortunately for me though, that someone was Quackity.  He looked slightly different though.  Instead of wearing his old casino outfit or his usual blue hoodie, he was hearing a blue button up shirt with dark blue suspenders.  Any question I asked, he either nodded or shook his head.  Regardless, I followed 'Quackity' to wherever he was taking me.

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